You couldn’t place her in a normal kindergarten like a normal 5 year old and the cost of care changes vastly over the age of a child from higher costs while they are younger to lower cost when a child can attend school for most of the day. The situation is very different. Unless you are indelendently wealthy you also need to work to provide a home, food, clothing, etc. Those who stay on permanent maternity or paternity are on leave for 12-18 months (maybe 2 years now) but then transition to stay at home parent while the other parent works. This only works if the family can afford to do so or if the cost of daycare would be the same as staying home so the parent stays at home until the children enter school and it makes financial sense to return to work. The cost to provide care for adults with intellectual disabilities is extremely expensive and finding people who are able to care for people with special needs is hard to find. it can be extremely hard to get public funding and the cost of potential care would be considered. Most have to have a parent give up work to be the primary caregiver when school runs out at age 21 for adults with intellectual disabilities. This is unpaid work. I would suggest speaking to parents with adults with intellectual disabilities and listen about how little funding they have actual gotten to help care for a child with intellectual disabilities, how long did they have to fight and wait to get it, how much of the caregiving are they doing themselves (usually unpaid) and did they have to stop working , do they ever get a respite care and how many days a year, whether they are on a wait list for a group home and how many decades have they been on the wait list, etc. If you are lucky some areas may have a charity that provides some respite care but maybe a weekend a year. The economics are something that will be considered which is why I have asked whether you have the extra funds (50-60k/yr plus contributions and vacation pay) to pay privately for full-time care during your work hours for example. Anyone with a 5 year old will say they need a break from their kid once in a while and that it is hard to have a 5 year old by your side 24/7 and that it becomes nice when they are old enough to do some things on their own.