In lot of cases its not worth it.
There are well qualified immigrant Phd's , Engineers , doc's driving cabs, doing pizza delivery, security guard, low level retail jobs etc.
If you had or have a good life back home , then there is no point in coming here .
I know quite a few people who have gone back after coming here , utterly disappointed.
Most people come here for the future of their children and sacrifice their own life in that process ..and lead a miserable life over here.
Some come here for the FREE medicare , which unfortunately is deteriorating day by day .
In short , Canada is NOT the land of milk and honey or paradise most immigrants think it is ..the reality is quite different and immigrants should be prepared for it
There are pros and cons ..advantages and disadvantages of coming here you have to do the math, and decide for yourself , if its worth it or not.
Expect lot of sacrifices , struggles and compromises when you come here ..its not a cake walk , when you land here.
Some immigrants make it over here and are successful ..but most don't .
Call me negative or pessimestic or whatever , but this is the cold hard truth would be immigrants should be mentally , physically , psychologically and emotionally prepared for this.
Loneliness , Isolation , Depression , Poverty , Unemployment , Underemployment , Racism/Discrimination ( not directly but indirectly in a subtle manner )..are huge problems for immigrants , who come be ready and prepared for it.