Dear fellow dentists
I am happy that Dr.Jasraj has come up with some bare facts. I would like to keep this topic going because this is the place where we can share our knowledge, study material and thus help each other ...... Let me explain and give my suggestions to the above points -
Before this I would like to give a brief history of the procedure that ACFD used to follow (prior to the current one). All foreign trained dentists (
mainly from Asian / African countries) have got their degrees from Non-accredited colleges. Their degrees are
not recognised as far as dentistry in Canada is concerned. So they were supposed to give an exam known an
Eligibility Examination (
EE) ...... conducted twice in a year. Based on the result (+ your overall academic performance + interview), you may be given admission to any of the
7 colleges (also depends where you have applied). One may have to undergo a basic orientation course and then they will join 3rd year students. After 2 years of completion you have to sit for the qualifying exam (NDEB) including practicals. Then you have to register yourself for the license (again depending on the province where you have studied or want to work).
This was the procedure that they (ACFD) were following till last year.
NOW they have added one more option.
one should appear in nbde in feb.2012 and then 2nd part in june 2012 - Partially correct
Now ACFD has brought NBDE into picture right from EE, calling it as '
Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge' (
AFK). Content & Format of the paper (
AFK) remained the same, i.e. 2 papers (
except Feb 2010 - 3 papers). After this step, ACFD changed the procedure. NOW you have 2 options, 1st one - Just like the old method as explained above. 2nd one - They say it's a fast track one!! We have to score a minimum of 75% in AFK. It's all clinical. You have to book your seat/register yourself for the '
Assessment of Clinical Skills' (
ACS - 2 days) & '
Assessment of Clinical Judgement' (
ACJ - 1 day). Though both the exams are conducted one after the other in a period of 3 days, both are independent of each other. You can prepare for any one and leave the other (giving it next time) ....
remember you will be losing that many months (
till the next exam is scheduled)......
ALSO one has the
privilege of taking these exams (
three times. Many candidates are trying to give ACS & ACJ one after the other.
AFK is on February 04 .....ACS on June 09 & 10 ..... and ACJ on June 11 (all 2012). As mentioned earlier -- You can even apply to individual universities with your
AFK score (
1st option)
it does not cost too much money. - Depends (I feel it is a big amount for 1 time)
I really don't agree with this one ...... NDEB registration (
500) +
AFK fees (
600) +
4000) +
1500) ... Total (
only for exam fees) -
CAD 6600 ....... do I have to mention
only ...

If we opt for the 2 years 'Qualifying Program' - attending individual university requirements itself is a big task ...... And after getting the admission .. 8) ...... paying college fees (tution) will cost us a fortune, which may be anything between 70,000 to 120,000 CAD ...

...stretched over 2 years. But positive thing is bank gives loan ..... moreover, future
IS safe...... 8) 8) ...... which part
does not cost too much money ......
and needs only 5-6 hrs study from today . - Agreed
We have to start this NOW ...... if we want to become a dentist there.... Do Kaplan, DD I & II (All), Mosby, ASDA I & II (All), MCQs ..... ALL as many times as you can do...... ??? :

rest we are here to help you people always - Agreed
As mentioned earlier ... we all are here to share our knowledge and experience. It will be a big help to everyone who wants to settle there as a dentist. Of course, for study material, people must have spent some money and they may ask for some favour .... may exchange or barter or even paypal account .....

.... but it is worth taking these study tips/materials.
dentist in INDIA should be dentist THERE. - Nope
We are immigrants .... and ofcourse we want to be in the same field where we have expertise. BUT ..... not everything is possible everywhere. There are approximately 90 seats divided between these 7 colleges (for 1st option). Everytime there is an
EE / AFK, more than 700 participants will be there + this time almost 1000 dentists are ready to immigrate .....


...... Participants who are writing their exams are holding their PR since last 3-4 years ...some of them are even citizens. Many of them have written their exams 4/5 times ..... So
dentist in INDIA should be dentist THERE ...... We must try our best... :-X
rest your hardwork...good luck - Agreed
IS the only key for success. Give your best ...and it will show the colour. Time being concentrate only on
AFK with scoring above 95%. It will make you reach the target of at least 88% ...which is good enough for admission to one of the colleges. If you are confident of giving
ACJ can join few courses (in Toronto) where they teach different aspects of these clinical tests. ...
All the Best
Cheers, aNil
Please see -
These are purely my views and observations. I am not discouraging any one. People should judge and then take their own decisions.