Not yet, kind of gone back to the routine of waiting

From what i observed, the time take from IP2/Ghost update to PPR is varying based on two factors
1. Which VO is your file with?
2. What's that particular VO's recent trend with respect to releasing PPRs
I know both are interrelated and the focus is more on the specific VO the case is with. I was in a pretty active NDVO specific whatsapp group for sometime, the trend observed with NDVO is that they usually release them in batches (like most other VOs), apart from one or two exceptions - around 60%-80% of PPRs released in May came on 20th and 27th. Which made me infer that they prefer to issue on Mondays, but not on all. and they tend to compile a bunch and release on a particular day rather than release them as and when they are approved. Due to this its difficult to identify a trend with respect to gap between IP2/Ghost and PPR for NDVO.
For Ottawa, I see that the gap has reduced drastically when compared to earlier months. Now, we are seeing majority of cases getting PPR within a week of IP2/Ghost. Those who have received PPR recently from Ottawa can correct me if i'm wrong.
PS: I'm expecting mine to come on Monday, coz after 27th NDVO hasn't released a big bunch!
PS: I personally didn't like one of the admins of the NDVO whatsapp group - too much moral policing, we weren't even supposed to wish our fellow applicants for a festival. This thread is much much better in that respect, we do talk about different things as well to keep the spirits high!