I just called CIC call centre to know the status of my application, and they told me there is nothing in the system yet. However they verified my information in the system against my PR card, and the address they have in the system was wrong, the funny thing is that the wrong address they had is the address of a friend of mine, I wonder how could the information got mixed like that, the PR card that I have is the first and only one, and it was mailed to my address in 2011. I am really surprised. The good news is that the agent fixed the wrong address in the system.
The agent told me that possible reasons of not receiving the AOR yet are: 1) Mail package lost. 2) Missing requirement. 3) It is taking longer to entry the information in the system.
There is nothing to do, just wait, the agent took my phone number, and told me that will call me in 3 more weeks, if there is any issue.