Hi all,
Sorry I have been quiet recently - busy dealing with Dar VO. Just wanted to get on here and update you all regarding my process. My wife's application was sent to Dar towards the end of september 2015. By October 5th, they had started processsing the application. We received PPR on february 11th. Now still waiting to hear from them about picking up the passport.
As you can see, the processing of our file has been really fast. probably not because we are so lucky, but because we had tangible evidence and prooofs of our relationship. Yes it looks like there are criteria that CIC uses to assess and sort out your applications. I believe having a child together and being able to demonstrate to CIC how I have been supporting my spouse before and after our mariage were the main factors that accelarated the processing of our file.
It is not good news to see some of our friends files here are taking longer to process. With new immigration law introduced, CIC thinks all mariages abroad are entered into, simply allow a person to immigrate. This is very unfortunate! If there are no strong proofs in your appliactions to convince them the mariage is genuine, the processing will be slow.
Immigration lawyers give the following to watch out for, with spousal appliactions:
.If you did not meet your husband or wife in person before, met over the internet, travel to see each other and immidiately get married, you will have a challenge in convincing visa officer the mariage is legitimate.
.you should expect a greater degree of scrutiny on your application if you and your partner do not share a common origin or common language to communicate.
Scrutiny is higher when a marriage is from a country that requires a visitor visa to enter Canada. typically countries that have lower levels of socioeconomic development. ( Unfortunately all applications in Dar fall under this). Previously refused applications for temporary status in Canada will also be a major redflag.