For me it's been 3 months and no news. My applcation hasn't gone in process yet. It's SO frustrating!!! now I know how all the older applicants feel like. When it takes some people 2 weeks, a month, 50 days, or maximum 80 days and they've gone in process. Only Toronto88 took about 90 days. I guess I'm going to be like him.
I'm goin gto request an access to information if no news in the next few days to see if my application is even being looked at. Dear Toronto I may need your help with this as you've done it before. By the way did you receive your notes? What did they say?
I remember someone said that Ankara sometimes forgets to change the ecas status and sometimes they go in process few weeks before pprs. Could this be the case?
I like to be like all those people who got pprs 4 months after sponsorship aproval

Afterall, our case isn't complicated. It would be the greatest wish of all time if my wife gets ppr one month from now

This is rediculous if they haven't looked at my application yet. They said they respect applications based on the order they are received. If not, I question their system all together!
Daram kalafe misham!!