my wife received an email reply from beirut i can t post it coz it s in french ... But nothing really important she asked them to confirm that her file is there they didn t they just said

lebanese files got transfered from damascus to beirut lol!!! wow and they can t tell us nothing about it and they add transfering files maybe delay the process ..... it has been almost a year and her ecase the same (we received permanent residence application in march 23) , so today i sent caips request to see and to make it more clear , coz i am having hard time talking even to my wife (depression) crying .... i am willing to do a buisness right now in canada and am afraid since my wife is not here till now coz i don t wanna go into buisness and then have to go back to lebanon , dunno dear friends wat to say i read ur comments everyday in this forum i don t comment coz am having a hard time , i wish they can just help us i wish they can read our comments i am thinking to write a letter and send it to the minister telling what i feel about all this , our life is not a game , since we got married no stability she lives at her parents and i live here (canada) , guys i know u all have enough problems but i can t stand iti need to share my feelings :'( life is short sometimes i think of just gong back to lebanon , but then i say noooo hell am stronger then this process better i don t loose a better opportunity for my future family .... i feel that all of u became my family in last 2 month reading ur stories and feeling ur suffer . i just have one more thing to say , now i know why i hate borders and passports !god bess u all and help us all