Kat-H, hope you see this post, I just wanted to ask what does your ecase say? Mine says medicals received, so I just wanted to know what yours looked like before you got your PPR. Thanks in advance!! 
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-*Nenan said::-* I am more happy that my words make you feel happy![]()
Hey nairyd,eh walaw tekram 3ayniknairyd said:Kat-H, hope you see this post, I just wanted to ask what does your ecase say? Mine says medicals received, so I just wanted to know what yours looked like before you got your PPR. Thanks in advance!!![]()
Dear friends,siavashf said:Hey fellows,
My ecas status is finally changed into in process. I don't know how long does it take till ppr is issued, but I hope it is finalized by Wednesday so I can ask my wife to pay the penalty and cancel her ticket to Iran!
Congrats R and A..best wishes!!R and A said:Hi everyone,
My husband got his PPR. YAY.......................
Also, congrats to Siavash jan.![]()
Congrats R & A, thats awesome!!R and A said:Hi everyone,
My husband got his PPR. YAY.......................
Also, congrats to Siavash jan.![]()
Aww, Kat-H i'm Armenian so I didnt really understand what you said, only your tekram 3aynink and ya3ni akid ehhe thanks so much for the reply and for the positivity!!Kat-H said:Hey nairyd,eh walaw tekram 3aynikMy e-cas was updated directly after the visa was issued..This is what it says:
We received your application for permanent residence on April 13, 2011.
We started processing your application on May 11, 2012.
Medical results have been received.
If urs says that medicals received ya3ni akid soon u'll receive ur visaGoodluck my dear friend!!(nshalla mnesma3 akhbar 7ilwe)
Omg, awesome two ppr posts back to back!!siavashf said:Dear friends,
It's finally over!! Can u believe it? I received my ppr a few minutes ago!
The good thing is my wife doesn't need to come to Iran anymore, everything happened in the nick of time ;D
Raha, I believe in ur prayings thanks!!
congratsssss R and A ........... who is the next ?R and A said:Hi everyone,
My husband got his PPR. YAY.......................
Also, congrats to Siavash jan.![]()
congrats Siavashf ............ hamishe intor shad bashisiavashf said:Dear friends,
It's finally over!! Can u believe it? I received my ppr a few minutes ago!
The good thing is my wife doesn't need to come to Iran anymore, everything happened in the nick of time ;D
Raha, I believe in ur prayings thanks!!