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Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009


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Mar 26, 2012
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sohrab919 said:
guys i think everyone is going overboard just a bit, i mean everyone is just nagging and complaining, is that really going to accomplish anything? this is why people feel negative and become depressed and so on, forums that provide false information,ridiculous rumors and no hope, i personally just smile when i read you guys being so negative, our friend farid has been waiting about 21 months and he doesnt say anything but everyone else is saying canada is a lie and swearing at the minister lol, come on , there is a saying in persian which goes dont pollute your own blood, whats the point of pulling your hair out over EVERY LITTLE ARTICLE or every POST someone randomly puts here.......
Sohrab, did you forget your own post? Now I'm the one smiling.

"DONT GET ME WRONG, this *********** ( i didnt swear, im the one who put the stars) doesnt have anything to do with our files, if i knew, even 1 % that this guy had anything to do with sponsorship i would be living in iran right now, he just came to power, he wants to show off but FORTUNATELY we are living on the previous law, dont get me wrong the previous law is garbage as well but atleast its better than this douche trying to change canada with his none sense"


Hero Member
Dec 29, 2011
Tehran - Iran
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Kurdistan-kazhal said:
For Sohrab,, this is kinda off topic but how did you get a job at cic,,,i wana work for the gov too if you dont mind telling me how you got it and what the process was please.....
and this if for everybody else...HAS anyone heard anything back from ankara???? my husband has gone for his interview and they have told him to wait for a month to 40 days, its been a month and i have not heard much back,,,,has any body gotten their visa request in the last couple of month at all...????? ;D ;D :D :D :D :D ;) ;) ;) ;) :) :) :) :)and dont forget to smile this waiting game will be over soon inshallah, and we will all most likely laugh at these stressful days...with the hope of seen that day soon inshallah...
Hi there,

Yes, in mid March 2 ppr was issued by Ankara. Don't worry, sooner or later they'll come up with an answer.


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Dec 29, 2011
Tehran - Iran
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JayJ said:
Sohrab, did you forget your own post? Now I'm the one smiling.

"DONT GET ME WRONG, this *********** ( i didnt swear, im the one who put the stars) doesnt have anything to do with our files, if i knew, even 1 % that this guy had anything to do with sponsorship i would be living in iran right now, he just came to power, he wants to show off but FORTUNATELY we are living on the previous law, dont get me wrong the previous law is garbage as well but atleast its better than this douche trying to change canada with his none sense"
Hey guys,

Let's not make a big fuss out of nothing. During the last couple of months that I've joined this forum I haven't seen anyone more caring than Sohrab, and never seen someone as persistent as you Jay.

You are really good in motivating ppl, to encourage them to participate in productive activities.

+23 rating proves how helpful u r to members of this forum.

In my opinion, sometimes when ppl are frustrated they need to nag! And since in this forum we are all experiencing the same pressure, we become sympathic with that person who is nagging. At the same time, your point is valid about the negative atmosphere in the forum that makes everyone down.

I believe there should be a balance between both extremes, if there is only positive waves then everyone tries to persuade himself that all is ok and this is the outcome of their bad luck.......sometimes negativity is good! It ignites a storm of protest as led to our writings to Toronto star, Huffington post and taking part in petitions to let our voice be heard.

We need to align all the energy (both negative and positive) to achieve our goal!


Champion Member
Mar 6, 2011
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09-09-2010 & 19-12-2011
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samira12 said:
Sohrab ,mamnoon az javab ;)
bad az gozashte 10maho nim baraye avalin bar ba Mp ke tamas gereftim ye form dadeh ke por konim ke shamele moshakhasate file,
gofte ke behetoon migam key filemoon rafte Ankara,
yani to fekr mikoni az zamani ke rafteh ankara 5mahe badesh PPR ro midan?
dalil nemishe ke hatman 5 mah mikeshe, chon didim ke zoodtar am amal mikonan vali khob enghadr file ziade ke adam nemidoone chi bayad bege


Champion Member
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09-09-2010 & 19-12-2011
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dignity3 said:
Dear Sohrab
thanks a lot for your reply and I really appreciate the way you are encouraging us ...
just to be sure ,,, do you think the cic's new regulations are false information or rumors ?

I WISH ALL the AWFUL information would be rumors and false and all the good information would be the only truth.

hope to hear some ppr submission soon ..
honestly if i hear any new regulations i would let everyone know, nothing has changed much from before just different offices


Champion Member
Mar 6, 2011
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09-09-2010 & 19-12-2011
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JayJ said:
Sohrab, did you forget your own post? Now I'm the one smiling.

"DONT GET ME WRONG, this *********** ( i didnt swear, im the one who put the stars) doesnt have anything to do with our files, if i knew, even 1 % that this guy had anything to do with sponsorship i would be living in iran right now, he just came to power, he wants to show off but FORTUNATELY we are living on the previous law, dont get me wrong the previous law is garbage as well but atleast its better than this douche trying to change canada with his none sense"
no my dear friend , i understand people can be upset at particular times and for particular reasons but 24/7? like i said i wasnt pointing fingers at anyone it was a general comment, i never said i am always happy, yes i posted that when i just left my wife for the second time, we all have bad days my friend but my point is to keep the negativity in control so it doesnt affect our positive lifestyle


Champion Member
Mar 6, 2011
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09-09-2010 & 19-12-2011
Passport Req..
siavashf said:
Hey guys,

Let's not make a big fuss out of nothing. During the last couple of months that I've joined this forum I haven't seen anyone more caring than Sohrab, and never seen someone as persistent as you Jay.

You are really good in motivating ppl, to encourage them to participate in productive activities.

+23 rating proves how helpful u r to members of this forum.

In my opinion, sometimes when ppl are frustrated they need to nag! And since in this forum we are all experiencing the same pressure, we become sympathic with that person who is nagging. At the same time, your point is valid about the negative atmosphere in the forum that makes everyone down.

I believe there should be a balance between both extremes, if there is only positive waves then everyone tries to persuade himself that all is ok and this is the outcome of their bad luck.......sometimes negativity is good! It ignites a storm of protest as led to our writings to Toronto star, Huffington post and taking part in petitions to let our voice be heard.

We need to align all the energy (both negative and positive) to achieve our goal!
amen! i couldnt have said it better ;D ;D ( kafe moratab)


Hero Member
Sep 4, 2011
App. Filed.......
sohrab919 said:
guys i think everyone is going overboard just a bit, i mean everyone is just nagging and complaining, is that really going to accomplish anything? this is why people feel negative and become depressed and so on, forums that provide false information,ridiculous rumors and no hope, i personally just smile when i read you guys being so negative, our friend farid has been waiting about 21 months and he doesnt say anything but everyone else is saying canada is a lie and swearing at the minister lol, come on , there is a saying in persian which goes dont pollute your own blood, whats the point of pulling your hair out over EVERY LITTLE ARTICLE or every POST someone randomly puts here.......

its simple , we are faced with a unlucky unfortunate situation.... simply bad luck... and we are forced to deal with it.... simple , isnt it? ive been waiting almost 14 months, im not cutting my wrists, im just consoling my wife and looking forward to the bright future ahead of us and not this gloomy process because it will be over and done like every chapter in life....

As far as cic and immigration, well i work for CIC and ive seen WORST cases..... this is nothing comparing to the rejections we see, people's files being lost,people being rejected mistakenly because an agent though the marriage was fake , so on and so forth.... Asia is the capital of fake marriages so the minister was right, why is it the capital of fake marriages? well simply because you cant travel anywhere with their passport, and 1st world countries require visa , so fraudsters and crooks started a business ..... humans exploit anything that has money making capabilities.... there are INSTITUTIONS in china/hong kong, you call the number ask for a citizenship , you pay the fee, they send you the profile of your "WIFE/HUSBAND" which includes pictures etc, you wait , they arrive you meet, you pay more fees and then you wait for the process,
canada is trying to stop those agencies and those people, its impossible since there is so many of them and so the only thing canada can do is prolong the process and be more picky, YES i understand not every marriage is fake and i feel bad for the honest people( i am one of them) but this is the world we live in......
im glad my file arrived safe and sound in ankara and just like everyone else ill sit and wait my faith... simple as that
didnt mean to offend anyone ... just sharing this as an opinion with my friends here
my two cents....

Dont complain about what you dont have appreciate what you do !
Honestly, you weren't right on most of your comment; because the situation in Asia ((China, India, Hong Kong, etc)) does NOT apply to our condition. The Marriage System in our countries is strong enough to believe in!
So please do NOT confuse things together!

If the Visa Officers were fairly processing our spouses' applications, why would they approve some applications in just four or five months?!!
Why they give Syrian Nationals Five-Calender-Day Finalizing Processing last year due to the situation in Syria, and everyone knows that the situation in Iraq has been the worst in the world for more than NINE YEARS now?!!

Why don't the Immigration Officers allow our spouses to come into Canada as Temporary Visitors while their applications in process?!!

Is it fair that I have been waiting for more than 13 months and my wife's application has NOT been touched yet since reaching Damascus?! - As I saw on her CAIPS File yesterday.

So, please don't keep telling us: "Stop Nagging!".


Star Member
Mar 26, 2012
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KhalidIraq said:
Honestly, you weren't right on most of your comment; because the situation in Asia ((China, India, Hong Kong, etc)) does NOT apply to our condition. The Marriage System in our countries is strong enough to believe in!
So please do NOT confuse things together!

If the Visa Officers were fairly processing our spouses' applications, why would they approve some applications in just four or five months?!!
Why they give Syrian Nationals Five-Calender-Day Finalizing Processing last year due to the situation in Syria, and everyone knows that the situation in Iraq has been the worst in the world for more than NINE YEARS now?!!

Why don't the Immigration Officers allow our spouses to come into Canada as Temporary Visitors while their applications in process?!!

Is it fair that I have been waiting for more than 13 months and my wife's application has NOT been touched yet since reaching Damascus?! - As I saw on her CAIPS File yesterday.

So, please don't keep telling us: "Stop Nagging!".
Khalid, you raise some very important questions, and I have some of my own, like why did one guy from Iraq get his PR in only 7 months last year while most had to wait at least 10-11 months and many are still waiting since they've hardly done anything since the start of this year.

I'm counting around 8 PRs issued in three and a half months across three embassies, which is around the number I think they granted in December when they only had around 20 agents in a supposed chaotic embassy.

PRs better start coming again at the rate of at least two to three per week by the start of next month, or I, along with others, am going to get really mad.

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
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Damascus/ Beirut
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??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
KhalidIraq said:
Honestly, you weren't right on most of your comment; because the situation in Asia ((China, India, Hong Kong, etc)) does NOT apply to our condition. The Marriage System in our countries is strong enough to believe in!
So please do NOT confuse things together!

If the Visa Officers were fairly processing our spouses' applications, why would they approve some applications in just four or five months?!!
Why they give Syrian Nationals Five-Calender-Day Finalizing Processing last year due to the situation in Syria, and everyone knows that the situation in Iraq has been the worst in the world for more than NINE YEARS now?!!

Why don't the Immigration Officers allow our spouses to come into Canada as Temporary Visitors while their applications in process?!!

Is it fair that I have been waiting for more than 13 months and my wife's application has NOT been touched yet since reaching Damascus?! - As I saw on her CAIPS File yesterday.

So, please don't keep telling us: "Stop Nagging!".
Guys this is not the first time that we deal with such protests and counter protests so to speak. I guess the main thing that we need to constantly keep in mind is that we are all on the same boat, consequently let's just accept that each deals with this complete nonsense in their own way. I didn't feel any offensive behaviour through Sohrab's comment rather defence mechanism ( I could be wrong...),in a sense that we live this everyday, we breath it and reading it in a repetitive manner just makes it impossible to escape even for a single minute deep inside our mind.... I have nothing against anyone who expresses themselves no matter what the outcome is, since this forum outdone its purpose and became more than a place to share information rather than a support group.
At the end, there's nothing to ad but an honest prayer that we see the happy end of this rough journey as soon as possible. May God bless us all and give us the patience and wisdom to stay on track.


canadian middle east visa offices were made specially to torture the wives and husbands who sponsoring their spouses, No debate on that :(


Hero Member
Dec 29, 2011
Tehran - Iran
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Nenan said:
canadian middle east visa offices were made specially to torture the wives and husbands who sponsoring their spouses, No debate on that :(
Lol...this shall pass too.
Btw, where is Arezou?


Hero Member
Jan 17, 2012
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I pray by Sep. 2012
KhalidIraq said:
Honestly, you weren't right on most of your comment; because the situation in Asia ((China, India, Hong Kong, etc)) does NOT apply to our condition. The Marriage System in our countries is strong enough to believe in!
So please do NOT confuse things together!

If the Visa Officers were fairly processing our spouses' applications, why would they approve some applications in just four or five months?!!
Why they give Syrian Nationals Five-Calender-Day Finalizing Processing last year due to the situation in Syria, and everyone knows that the situation in Iraq has been the worst in the world for more than NINE YEARS now?!!

Why don't the Immigration Officers allow our spouses to come into Canada as Temporary Visitors while their applications in process?!!

Is it fair that I have been waiting for more than 13 months and my wife's application has NOT been touched yet since reaching Damascus?! - As I saw on her CAIPS File yesterday.

So, please don't keep telling us: "Stop Nagging!".
I completely agree with you. If verifying marriages takes long time why it is taking so little time for chiness and Indian where the most of marriages are fraud according to their own reports. or philipin?
That is funny and very stupid that they give china as an example to justify the long processing time in China.