My initial email was:
We have received another email from Delhi India to do reassessment of medical as the medicals are expired (even though they are expiring next in November). What could this possibly mean? I did some research and found this link. - which says that
> >
> > "
> > The process applies only to cases where a final decision is pending due to either:
> >
> > * the expiration of a medical certificate; or,
> > * when the validity of the medical certificate is about to expire and the applicant is unable to land before it expires. "
> >
> >
> > do you think we should hear from them soon for PPR or will they take more time now since this medical extension will be valid for 12 months.
Here is what she wrote to me:
> > If CIC anticipates that they will be unable to process the case (i.e. issue the visa) before the medicals expire they request that they are re-done. We have been informed that CIC has reached the maximum quota for immigration visas for 2014, so this may be the reason they are requesting the medicals to be re-done.
> >
> > Regards,
Then I wrote:
1) Were you specifically told that quota has been reached for spouse visa? I know there is a quota for parental sponsorship but never heard anything about spouse visa quota.
and here is her 2nd email with detailed explanation:
Never apologize for bugging me! That's what I am here for

.....Sorry for the confusion - I should have used the word "immigration levels and not "quotas".
Every year CIC determines Immigration Levels which they do not exceed - Please refer to the Immigration levels for 2014. at
Once they reach those levels they do not stop processing the rest of the files, they continue to process them, but they do not issue any more visas for that year, in the specific category.
The difference between quotas and immigration levels is that - when there is a quota, then once they receive that specific number of applications they return all the others and no longer accept any more.
But when they have immigration levels for the year, they can "accept" any number of application, but they only "process" in that particular year up to the pre-detrmined levels. The rest of the application will continue processing but visas will only be issued in the following year.
The official citizenship and immigration website is is a private company but if you wish to find their reference to the 2014 immigration level announcement you will find it at
So to answer your specific questions:
No I have not been told specifically that they have met the levels for Sposual Sponsorships for 2014 (that is not what I said in my email) . I said they have asked your husband to repeat the medicals as they do not anticipate that they will be able to complete the processing of his application before his current medicals expire in Nov 2014.
(just as you said: "* when the validity of the medical certificate is about to expire and the applicant is unable to land before it expires. ") - this applies in your husband's case)
A possible reason could be the question of the immigration levels having been met - because on a many recent inquiries for both Inland applications and overseas application in different categories (not just spousal) - I have been told that all requirements have been met, positive decision have been made, but they will likely not be scheduled for landing interviews or requested for passport till the end of the year, as they have reached immigration levels.
*I think she is saying that CIC has reached the level and
may be that is why my husband received reassessment of medical. But my theory was if they did not wanted to issue the visa this year they could have easily waited till next year and ask him to do his re-medical. I mean what the hell we have been waiting for 4 years already so why not more huh!