niana.j said:
can you share the template so that we can all use it too..guys lets all do it..daily...thx
Here comes, my today pack of frustration

"My name is *****. I am a Canadian citizen. I belong to *****. First I appreciate your efforts for party and excellent political career. Being MP of my region, I want to have your attention towards a specific issue. I am married and my husband belongs to Pakistan. (that is not against law or constitution of Canada, if it is, tell me with reference). The processing time for visa for Pakistani applicants is very high. HIGH would not be appropriate, it is extra ordinary intentionally prolonged). The Indians are getting their visas in 3-4 months but we are getting in 32 months. I asked this question from different Canadian officials. They give back a GENERIC REPLY that was it is taking too long in Pakistan for Back ground and security checks. But this is just a reply for reply sake which can only serve a purpose of replying an email but not satisfying us. I have two reply of this thing. The same back ground checks used to be made before 2011. When condition of Pakistan were more worst. And the time, time line was even 6 months. The second reply is, the USA and UK are working and doing same things in 3-4 moths in Pakistan then why can't CIC Islamabad.
an other logic they give is the NUMBER of APPLICANTS. That is an other wrong reply. The applicants of Pakistan are not even 20% compared to China and India who have way less processing time.
This is really the intentional delay by conservative government. Due to following 2 reasons;
1. They want to discourage Pakistanis to marry back home (that is a clear hit on our cultural values, because it is our culture to marry our cousins and marry in our home land and hence a violation of Constitution of Canada which ask to respect of every citizen's culture; section 15 of Canada Charter of Rights and Freedom.
2. Present government has a highly biased attitude towards a particular people (Pakistani Canadians). This intentional delay is a proof of it.(Again violation of constitution)
I may admit that the Canadian government may not have some good relations with Pakistan but this attitude is not effecting Pakistani government. Believe me, even if you take the time to 10 years, Pakistani government won't bother. who will get effected? WE, CANADIANS, who pay tax, who respect law.
Please don't tell the me again the million times repeated stories like staff shortage or security concerns. I have replied this earlier in post. Thousands of couples are suffering. Their matrimonial lives are getting destroyed.
Let me tell you one thing clearly, don't think, Pakistani Canadians are taking it as random. They are full aware of the baisness and talk about this and discuss. They are fully aware the intentional delay and biasness
I hereby request you following;
If you really think Pakistanis should not marry back home, amend the law, do legislation regarding it to put a ban on Canadian citizens to marry in Pakistan. . Make it legal but for God sake don't do it with these un constitutional ways.
If you feel our pain, and you want to solve our problem, raise out voice in parliament and debate it, for us. For God sake. I beg.
I would really be appreciate and would be a loyal voter of the party. God bless you.