My documents are almost complete, just left police Character certificate from police, the first one they made , these stupid police walas put on the certificate that she is living on my address since Birth :S while obviously she moved after marriage and it is clearly stated on the ID card that she is born in other city. Have to waste another week re making this certificate i don't want to send with a mistake like this, it can raise Red flag. What do you say, I am doing right thing to request for correction or I can send it ?
Now I need you guys/gals help for proves to attach. Because I don't have many because I lived with my wife for 2.5 years in Pakistan after marriage. No proof of before marriage because arranged marriage (hope is it Ok ?). Here is the list of documents we will attach:
- Pictures about 250: Mehndi (separate), Nikah, Rukhsati, Walima, after mariage pictures on different occasion (birthdays, outing, restaurants, marriage of relatives, friends), pictures on birth of our daughter, and a lot of pictures with our daughter since her birth (she is 2 years old now)
- Phone details of Google Voice (iphone) since I came back to Canada (10 months ago) : that is the only phone thing I got as we were living together before. No emails because only email we exchanged were when she sent me pictures, skype we rarely did it because of time difference.
- Our Wedding cards (both side)
- Jewelery bill that I bought for weddings for her, dated before the wedding obviously (should I attach original ? as I don't want to lose it)
- Most of the gift I gave her like cell phone, ipad, laptop, etc I don't have any bill as bought from internet from people not shop (kijiji etc), got only 2 bills , 1 jewellery and 1 an electronic equipment that is all I can attach as bill).
- Some greeting cards I sent to my wife and some to my daughter on her birthdays, (It is so sad to not be their on your child birthday

thanks CHC :S) should I attach photocopy or original, I prefer photocopies as it is sentimental thing, but if it is necessary I ll send the originals.
Is these proofs enough ? what else can I attach ?