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CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2012 -2013

Rabia ali

Star Member
Feb 19, 2014
I am June 2012 applicant my file is transfer to islamabad in September now CHC send me letter for remedical police certificate my marriage photos phone history etc on jan 2014 please anyone tell me what's the next step this is a wife case


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi ( Parents Sponsorship )
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
mrashid123 said:
London n New Delhi have Canadian officers.... which is not the case in CHC-ISL where they employ Pakistanis.... Pakistani govt refused to give visas to canadian officers so they could go over n do the work.... This could b one reason y Pakistan's processing times have gone higher n higher
canvis2006 said:
I think it's more of an issue where NOBODY wants to go to Pakistan (foreigners) due to security threats. It's obvious, the extremism and barbarism of many of the people in Pak is terrible, they don't even spare their own people, you expect them to spare the foreign diplomats?

All countries have travel warnings which warn their citizens not to travel to Pakistan unless absolutely necessary.

Would you want to go live in a place where you can't go out due to fear of being killed because of skin colour or religion, or due to money ?
I have a different perspective on this - Firstly, ALL VO's employ local staff ( in fact most of the preliminary work is done by local staff ), I have been to ND Embassy in 2000 for Student Visa, I was interviewed by a woman ( who seemed from a lower grade govt office ) - but the final review is ultimately done by Canadian Visa Officers. I am not sure how true it is about Pakistan not giving visas to Canadian officers as this is diplomatic affair. 2ndly, if that's the case then it could be Canada is playing a tit-for-tat/delay tactic but I find that more of a conspiracy
I feel it's a basic fact of visa allocation and due to ties and economic factors ( they prefer from India and other countries thus have it way faster )

As for security, no doubt it's one of the most dangerous places in the world, but if anyone has to worry the most, its USA and they have embassies and consulates there albeit a westerner wouldn't prefer to live there ( unless in the confines of rich Islamabad area ) - but this can be resolved by rotation policy

From what I have heard ( friends, immigration lawyers, insurance agents ) that it's mainly legitimacy of relationship, false paperwork ( there is corruption and false paperwork in India too but Pakistan has it on a whole different level ). I've also heard that many new Pakistani immigrants jump on welfare but I have personally seen them work their a$$ off.

All I can say is you can hope for a change, once we get a new govt

Syed Muhammad Asim

Hero Member
Nov 26, 2013
Visa Office......
CHC Islamabad
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
February 2012
Doc's Request.
September 2013
AOR Received.
June 2012
File Transfer...
June 2012
Med's Request
Nov 2013
Med's Done....
Nov 2013
Passport Req..
September 2014
November 2014
November 2014
Rabia ali said:
I am June 2012 applicant my file is transfer to islamabad in September now CHC send me letter for remedical police certificate my marriage photos phone history etc on jan 2014 please anyone tell me what's the next step this is a wife case
sorry to say bt next step is "Wait" like a fool ! cuz we all r waiting like a fool since may 2013 n heard nothing from CHC so i wish it gets easier for all of us !


Hero Member
Jan 6, 2014
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
March 2012
Med's Request
May 2013, October 2014
Med's Done....
May 2013
Passport Req..
February 2015


Champion Member
Jul 1, 2012
Visa Office......
London via Islamabad
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
13 aug 12
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
22 oct 12
File Transfer...
25 oct 12
Med's Request
re medical 4 Dec 14
Med's Done....
12 Dec 14
Passport Req..
Hera_86 said:
Very simple case.complete marriage Allah ka shuker, no travel history.
complete marriage also have one child,,but lots of travel history,,but i think background check is not issue coz when i applied for US visa they have done background check within 2 weeks


Champion Member
Jul 1, 2012
Visa Office......
London via Islamabad
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
13 aug 12
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
22 oct 12
File Transfer...
25 oct 12
Med's Request
re medical 4 Dec 14
Med's Done....
12 Dec 14
Passport Req..
ASyed said:
Asslamu Alaykum MRS SAM,

Oh! In Sha Allah it won't take too long as long as you've submited your documents. Is your's a husband or wife case?

ASyed :)
wife case


Hero Member
Jun 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Sept 2012
AOR Received.
Dec 2012
File Transfer...
ISL April 2013 then LON May 2014 add doc req May 2014 now PPR1 req April 2015
Med's Request
April 21 2015
June 2015
DENIED VISA on June 22 2015


Hero Member
Feb 14, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
march 2013 for wife
Doc's Request.
Sent volunterily on 15 dec 2013
AOR Received.
april 2013
File Transfer...
april 2013
Med's Request
24 sep 2014
inshallah waived
waiting110 said:
i don't think its worth it to destroy your relationship. you should be ready to live anywhere with your partner and start fresh, if required. if you think you can go and settle back home then why not. I believe our spouses worth more than Canadian $$ and Canadian degree.
This is wat i think daily
Leave canada and settle in pak or somewhere else in the world
Atleast until visa is issued to her
But wat abt my bills
I cant leave everything like this
And to settle again is a big prob too
All things pointed to wait an endless wait
Nobody knows how much :( :(:(:(:(
I pray we all unite with our spouses soon


Hero Member
Jun 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Sept 2012
AOR Received.
Dec 2012
File Transfer...
ISL April 2013 then LON May 2014 add doc req May 2014 now PPR1 req April 2015
Med's Request
April 21 2015
June 2015
DENIED VISA on June 22 2015
ch.immigration said:
This is wat i think daily
Leave canada and settle in pak or somewhere else in the world
Atleast until visa is issued to her
But wat abt my bills
I cant leave everything like this
And to settle again is a big prob too
All things pointed to wait an endless wait
Nobody knows how much :( :(:(:(:(
I pray we all unite with our spouses soon
Asslamu Alaykum ch.immigration,

I feel you... I'm currently living with my spouse in PK and returning to CA next month. We have a 17 month old daughter that cannot live without her dad. So I can only go to Canada for so long than I will come back and wait out the remainder of the time in PK as a family.

The cons of this decision are I currently have no job in Canada I had to give up my life their to live a temp life here in PK.

The pros I'm doing this for our daughter as she comes first.

CHC does not understand the repercussions of their decisions. This effects us all dosen't matter where we are living and than when children are involved it's a double heart breaker. They are too innocent and young to understand how cruel Pakistan and Canada's governments are.

Jazak Allah and In Sha Allah Ameen for your dua

ASyed :-\ :'( ???

hubby chubby

Champion Member
Jun 11, 2012
MonTreaL CiTy
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 2012
Doc's Request.
Aug 2013/Nov 2013
AOR Received.
May 2012
File Transfer...
June 2013
Med's Request
Aug 2013
Med's Done....
Aug 2013
Passport Req..
ppr-1 & 2 june 2014
July 2014
July 2014
Correct. Many local staff is given the task to complete initial checks and document gatherings. However, at the final stages, it surly is a Canadian national who will be deemed responsible to allowing/refusing a applicant to enter into his country of origin. It would seem odd if a Pakistani national had the authority to decide if any Pakistani applicant will/should become a Canadian. The same goes both ways, a Canadian National will not have the authority to decide if the applicant is deemed acceptable to become a Pakistani. Basically, the last stage of approval is done by the member of that certain country.

Security is an issue in Pakistan. However, that issue was there since the birth of Pakistan. It didn't start on Nov 2011 (since that is when cases and ppr's have been put on hold). Many 2011 applicants cases were approved with 18 months max. Now remed's don't come in 18 months let alone visa's being approved. Background checks and Security checks are just words, to act as "work" to imply delay.There is no threat at all, to diplomats in Islamabad. That place is heavily covered. Plus, we do have a army within the rankings of the top 10.

As it comes down to false-paperwork or marriage fraud. None of us have a legitimate argument that Pakistani's are worst in the world. We are there on the top but so is half of the world (including India and their fake marriages). I mean i live in montreal. There are some Pakistani's on welfare, but the majority are Quebecois (Canadian nationals) who take welfare lol.

In the end there is a political disagreement between Canada and Pakistan. Were by both countries don't care about their "Pakistani/Canadian" citizen and their families. If Pakistan was so slow and stupid and was behind in technology. My question to world is Pakistan receives 50% more applications from UK then Canada. But they get visa in 3 weeks and us 3 years. From the same country Pakistan.

user828 said:
I have a different perspective on this - Firstly, ALL VO's employ local staff ( in fact most of the preliminary work is done by local staff ), I have been to ND Embassy in 2000 for Student Visa, I was interviewed by a woman ( who seemed from a lower grade govt office ) - but the final review is ultimately done by Canadian Visa Officers. I am not sure how true it is about Pakistan not giving visas to Canadian officers as this is diplomatic affair. 2ndly, if that's the case then it could be Canada is playing a tit-for-tat/delay tactic but I find that more of a conspiracy
I feel it's a basic fact of visa allocation and due to ties and economic factors ( they prefer from India and other countries thus have it way faster )

As for security, no doubt it's one of the most dangerous places in the world, but if anyone has to worry the most, its USA and they have embassies and consulates there albeit a westerner wouldn't prefer to live there ( unless in the confines of rich Islamabad area ) - but this can be resolved by rotation policy

From what I have heard ( friends, immigration lawyers, insurance agents ) that it's mainly legitimacy of relationship, false paperwork ( there is corruption and false paperwork in India too but Pakistan has it on a whole different level ). I've also heard that many new Pakistani immigrants jump on welfare but I have personally seen them work their a$$ off.

All I can say is you can hope for a change, once we get a new govt


Champion Member
Dec 27, 2009
Visa Office......
Paris, France
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
May 2009
Doc's Request.
March 2012
File Transfer...
Jan. 2013
Med's Request
May 2013
Passport Req..
July 2013
August 2013
Sept 2013
hubby chubby said:
Correct. Many local staff is given the task to complete initial checks and document gatherings. However, at the final stages, it surly is a Canadian national who will be deemed responsible to allowing/refusing a applicant to enter into his country of origin. It would seem odd if a Pakistani national had the authority to decide if any Pakistani applicant will/should become a Canadian. The same goes both ways, a Canadian National will not have the authority to decide if the applicant is deemed acceptable to become a Pakistani. Basically, the last stage of approval is done by the member of that certain country.

Security is an issue in Pakistan. However, that issue was there since the birth of Pakistan. It didn't start on Nov 2011 (since that is when cases and ppr's have been put on hold). Many 2011 applicants cases were approved with 18 months max. Now remed's don't come in 18 months let alone visa's being approved. Background checks and Security checks are just words, to act as "work" to imply delay.There is no threat at all, to diplomats in Islamabad. That place is heavily covered. Plus, we do have a army within the rankings of the top 10.

As it comes down to false-paperwork or marriage fraud. None of us have a legitimate argument that Pakistani's are worst in the world. We are there on the top but so is half of the world. I mean i live in montreal. There are some Pakistani's on welfare, but the majority are Quebecois (Canadian nationals) who take welfare lol.

In the end there is a political disagreement between Canada and Pakistan. Were by both countries don't care about their "Pakistani/Canadian" citizen and their families. If Pakistan was so slow and stupid and was behind in technology. My question to world is Pakistan receives 50% more applications from UK then Canada. But they get visa in 3 weeks and us 3 years. From the same country Pakistan.
You have valid points there.

What we also need to see is an Audit of CHC Islamabad.


Hero Member
Jun 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Sept 2012
AOR Received.
Dec 2012
File Transfer...
ISL April 2013 then LON May 2014 add doc req May 2014 now PPR1 req April 2015
Med's Request
April 21 2015
June 2015
DENIED VISA on June 22 2015
Asslamu alaykum forum family,

Their is no current updated spreadsheet that has been posted. So I created a spreadsheet with current members awaiting for their visas.

Q: Can anyone please assist me with how to add a spreadsheet to my profile?

Once added If I can please request everyone to check for your profile and update it with the necessary info.

ASyed :)


Star Member
Aug 4, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
5/12/2013 (Wife Case)
AOR Received.
File# given on 31/12/2013 via email
File Transfer...
FEB 22,2014(London)
Med's Done....
Remedical 24 Nov-2014
Status Changed to Decision Made(12/6/2014). Interview Waived
Passport Req..
As far as fraud goes Pakistanis are nowhere near the level of chinese or indians(especially Sardar gees). I have heard stories that ppl from these nation call their daughters, mothers , sisters and aunts on spouse visa and yet look at their processing times. "Security" is another way of saying................Delay Delay Delay we dont care abt u.

hubby chubby said:
Correct. Many local staff is given the task to complete initial checks and document gatherings. However, at the final stages, it surly is a Canadian national who will be deemed responsible to allowing/refusing a applicant to enter into his country of origin. It would seem odd if a Pakistani national had the authority to decide if any Pakistani applicant will/should become a Canadian. The same goes both ways, a Canadian National will not have the authority to decide if the applicant is deemed acceptable to become a Pakistani. Basically, the last stage of approval is done by the member of that certain country.

Security is an issue in Pakistan. However, that issue was there since the birth of Pakistan. It didn't start on Nov 2011 (since that is when cases and ppr's have been put on hold). Many 2011 applicants cases were approved with 18 months max. Now remed's don't come in 18 months let alone visa's being approved. Background checks and Security checks are just words, to act as "work" to imply delay.There is no threat at all, to diplomats in Islamabad. That place is heavily covered. Plus, we do have a army within the rankings of the top 10.

As it comes down to false-paperwork or marriage fraud. None of us have a legitimate argument that Pakistani's are worst in the world. We are there on the top but so is half of the world (including India and their fake marriages). I mean i live in montreal. There are some Pakistani's on welfare, but the majority are Quebecois (Canadian nationals) who take welfare lol.

In the end there is a political disagreement between Canada and Pakistan. Were by both countries don't care about their "Pakistani/Canadian" citizen and their families. If Pakistan was so slow and stupid and was behind in technology. My question to world is Pakistan receives 50% more applications from UK then Canada. But they get visa in 3 weeks and us 3 years. From the same country Pakistan.


Hero Member
May 16, 2013
Job Offer........
i know what you mean and I felt that too all year last year. Unless you got plenty of $$$ then starting over is a pain- you know getting a job, building a network, freinds, savings etc.. As for me I contemplated moving to australia or new zealand- but then i thought have a little bit of patience. Pakistan was never an option- I cant stand the religious thuggery in that country.

ch.immigration said:
This is wat i think daily
Leave canada and settle in pak or somewhere else in the world
Atleast until visa is issued to her
But wat abt my bills
I cant leave everything like this
And to settle again is a big prob too
All things pointed to wait an endless wait
Nobody knows how much :( :(:(:(:(
I pray we all unite with our spouses soon