Couple of weeks back I received GCMS notes I requested regarding my wife's sponsorship application. According to the notes, my wife's original documents were sent to me on 12th of August on my previous home address in Canada which was already updated in July 2013. I could verify the change of address on the website when I checked application status. But apparently, when I changed the address, it got updated on the website but the update was never sent to back end. My address mentioned on GCMS notes was the old one. I contacted Ottawa Pilot office and they simply said that they are sorry for any inconvenience and that they never received any mail back from my old address. I contacted the old appartment building and they have no clue about that as well. They have refused to contact the tenant who moved in when I left the appartement. I contacted Canada post and they could not find the documents as well.
This is clearly a fault in the system, as my addres wasnt updated properly by CIC. Those documents included my wife's original degree, her original transcripts, our marriage certificate etc., and all were ORIGINALS. I don't know what to do, I am furious and frustrated as I feel so helpless now.
Is there any cimplaint centre where I can atleast file a complaint against CIC PP? Should I contact RCMP to help me in contacting the tenant who moved in after me and then left?
Please advise.