ALHAMDULILLAH received my husband's ppr through email from Islamabad today

Here is our timeline:
Applied in Jul 2012
Remedical + REPCC in June 2013
May ALLAH(SWT) help us all reunite with your spouses soon Insha'ALLAH!!!
Just a quick question to all those who received ppr through email, do you send your passport with in a prepaid courier via TCS and in the generic form they send attached in the email, I understand I have my husband has to fill out the applicant section because he is the one sending his passport but do I need to fill out the spouse section, even though I live in Canada?
Please help me on this! JazakALLAH Kharin!
Many Congratulations to You Sister. That form need to be completed by your husband only. He needs to fill applicant section only. Put N/A on other boxes because its for the accompanying family members. In this case he will be traveling by his own. I received the same form for passport request for my wifes case. But I have 8 months old daughter so in my wife case she will skip spouse section but she will use Applicant and dependent child section also sending 2 passports because my daughter will be accompanying her. Hope this info meets your requirement.