Sister believe me our relationship is very informal

. I know whats happening in her life but yes not every second of it which I am fine with for the time being. Its arrange marriage for me and we have actually gradually worked our way up to this level. And I know exactly how talking all the time and being on the phone when you wake up and when you go to sleep is like. I had a 6yr relationship like that where I would think phone is ringing even when its not (yaall have been there at some point don't deny it guys. lol). Butttt That was high school. It was still a lot of fun though.
As I said in my post this is what works for us. Couple hours on weekend is where I like to keep it. And again I will repeat that women are very adaptive. If I wanna talk 6 times everyday I can. (trust me I am talkative and wizards with words. lol) But this is our way of dealing with things. And its not a rule either for me. As the time nears and we get closer to being with each other I am sure "phone talk" is going to pick up. As of now im in month 10 of AOR. My file is still in Ottawa and not even in Islamabad. Talking all the time just isn't practical for me as I am working full time and going to school part time.
I totally get your point though sister. From my own personal experience I can tell you that talking on the phone all the time is really fun. I just wanted to share how I deal with it in my current situation. Even in Islam it says to adapt the middle grounds. Maybe its not valid in our case but I am no mufti. I guess how much we talk to our other half just depends on your personal life style, availability with time difference, etc etc. Everyone has their own way but the point of my post was that for people who are having communication issues might get a different perspective of things from my view point and even from sister Wyz view point as well.
I think it would be a fun topic on this forum how everyone deals with this elephant in the room that gets ignored. (
how to work through this tough separation of soul mates? )
In the end, keep telling your heart......... ALL IZZZ WELL.