My wife started filling the RESIDENCY QUESTIONNAIRE
Then we saw this question :
4) What preparations have you and/or your sponsor made for your move to Canada?
Is this a joke ? look at the damn timeline for Pakistani people what kind of preparation we can do right now else then preparing us for mental torture for +2 years ?
On serious note Can you guys/Gals give ideas what to put in it ? I can't do any preparation till she is not requested for PP request for visa. So at filling time what to put ?
And this question is really confusing :
13) Please give the name of the countries where your sponsor has resided, your sponsor's
complete address(es), and telephone number(s) in these countries, as well as period of
residence at each address
since the time your sponsorship application was submitted:
Do I have to provide address where I will reside after submitting the application ?, as this Form is to be sent with application how on earth I will know where and what time duration I will reside on an unknown address ? I don't have crystal ball :S
Thanks for your help