ONE 2 KA 4 said:
1st email in Sep 2010 to find out the status after completing the 9 month. Response "File is in process"
2nd email in Jan 2011 to find out the status after sending(Nov) re-medical,re-pcc and more proof as requested in Oct. Response " File is in line to be schedule for interview"
Those are the only two emails I sent. I normally dont send email every month.
its enough now.. n im really frustrated


.., ONE 2 Ka 4 u have to help me out.. i dnt know wht exactly should i write in email.... my husband i asking me to wait n relax which i cant do....
i dnt kno bus mjhay email kerni hai... tang ker key rakh diya hai @%&%$!#%&(((^$#!!#@~?"+#$$(censored)
pleashh pleassh help me.. just give a sample or few outlines tht i should strt wht this, thn add ths n tht point.. n conclude like this...