suppy said:
hi everyone
i reallly need a help n i know no one can help me as u guys can

m flying from gulf airways on 19th april midnight
as its immigrant n m going there for 1st tym
i really dont know wat to do some buddy told me that take all the pictures of ur gold n stuff n take printout or wat is tat all necessary
how to show gold n silver can any buddy guide me plz
thanks m waiting for ur all suggestions
Salam sister,
I don't know much about this but I think you should take a photo of gold and stuff and fill out the form that need to be filled.
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 06:39:49 pm »
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Quote from: CharlieD10 on July 03, 2012, 11:14:29 am
Yes, for Outland applicants arriving in Canada for the first time your PR formalities are concluded at whatever port of entry (airport) you arrive at.
For Immigration, they will ask for your COPR, ask you to confirm some details listed on it (address, dependents, spelling of your names), sign it, and they will cancel your visa counterfoil and advise you of your responsibilities as far as the residency obligation.
If you plan to bring or import personal items, make sure you have your B4 and B4A forms completed ahead of time, it will greatly reduce the amount of time you spend at Customs
I copied and pasted this for you suppy I hope this helps you ok also here is the site you can get more info on this topic
Also this maybe helpful to you and Congratulations and Welcome to Canada from Micmac101;msg0#new
May Allah bless you both In Sha Allah