My husband had his medicals done in Islamabad yesterday and they sent them to New Deli.!!!!
Now another wait is on for the final of this long saga. I will be leaving Feb 1/13 for Canada.
I tell you one thing all this bomb blast has taken a toll on my health this last week. I had thick hair and I have lost so much but I seen a specialist today and he told me I'm under too much stress as along with this I developed exema maybe spelled wrong.
I pray that everyone who applies to leave Pakistan gets their dream come true as being from the west and seeing it here with my own eyes has made me realise how lucky I am. My heart cries for the people here as if the true pictures could be seen by the WEST they would pray this stops here. Something has to be done to stop all this violence and blood shed. My heart breaks and I think of the children how they sleep at night thinking all this is normal in their minds.
I was brought up in poverty and lots of abuse but I would gladly accept this instead of what I have seen in Pakistan.
Speaking with strangers I have been treated so kind and I would do the same for them. This world is only temperly. How can this keep on and try to sleep. The doctor told me don't go out as I'm living in Peshawar. So I feel each day as it maybe my last I thank Allah for all that I have and I would share and give at any time. I pray for the people of Pakistan that peace comes soon and may Allah bless you all and give you all Jenna In Sha Allah.
People have said to me are you afraid to go there in Pakistan I said never cause where ever I maybe and Allah says my time is up it doesn't matter where or what I'm doing time is up its time to go.
So all you people here and everywhere may Allah give you all what is good for in this world and the next
In Sha Allah.........
May Allah keep us as good Muslins to show others the true meaning of Islam so all will have a chance for Jenna In Sha Allah.......