No Darling I really meant it...

There were so many girls here who used to be v active on forum but when they got their visa they don't come here any more ..Ppl lost interest .But i really admire u that even after u hv landed u still care for those who r still in this ordeal and support them with ur kind words .u hv always given me strength and support whenever i needed it ..Im really thankful to u from the bottom of my heart

And if u r in canada u can never be all the time free ..U hv to do a lot there ..Lots of house chores +grocery,laundry u r all by ur own .I get scared by the thought of life without servants and maids :
And i really admire ur intellect too ..Bc I hv n't seen such maturity in any girl of our age!

I'll definitely mention this to your family if i ever get a chance to see them

Trust me .and LUV u too :-* BTW i hvn't said that much I luv u to my hubby ever as i hv said it to u in the past few days ;D ;DLOL