As salam o alaikum,
It's been so helpful to have such forums to find out current trends and get valuable feedback from people who has gone through similar situations. Below is my timeline;
processing started at CHC-Isl on 14th july 2010, (it's been over three months. I am sponsored by my husband.). I understand that whole process in islamabad could take 14 months. I would appreciate if someone could advice me on my case, our Nikkah ceremony was very simple, my husband had his in mosque and later they came to my house to perform Rukhsati. Unfortunately, we dont have any pictures of Rukhsati. We did have a formal Valima reception though and sent lots of pictures of that. We also went to Murree together and sent those pictures as well. I am just concern because our Nikkah was very simple and we didn't have any Rukhsati pictures, could that be a problem in our case?
and in the mean time, what we can do now to make our case strong?
Will appreciate all the fedbacks.