you guys are soooo nice. The kind of support i got from this forum is really heart touching :'( anyways new update on my end is that I am going to send my passport in,in any case
qamalik729, long distance has been extremely hard, the ironic part is that just when your about to give up Allah shows you the path, i wasnt expecting the letter,now that i have its unbelievable for both of us. But inshAllah we will make the right decision as we have suffered way toomuch due to this process. (Lovely advice about getting and giving some space i think i need that right now

Don Carlos, I love your advice and my father has advised me the exact same thing too. In any case i should send in my pp, there's absolutely no harm in it and plus meanwhile i can buy some more time and work things out. Even visa takes time right? not sending in my pp will be plain stupid!
Danny bro!, I can always count on you for advises! thankyou for the support..... i know i can count on you for the best advice when im confused and indecisive, i will need you to guide me through this process!!
R.Mujgani, sis your so right! we all have problems, mainly related to family politics, inlaws etc in my case but right now im only concerned abt mine and his future, im not counting anyone else in that equation... after all we will be the one livin together ritee.....thankyou for the support... your a lovely sis :-*