wes786 said:
You have some good writing skills! Well done! May be that worked out for you

and the reason you can't use Private Messages is becuase you don't have enough posts to use that fearure. I belive you have to wait until you hit 30 posts. Anyways Congrats again!
1 am replying to your e-mail of May 31, 2011, addressed to the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, concerning spousal sponsorship application processing times.
Family reunification is a priority of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Accordingly, every effort is made to complete the processing of spousal applications as quickly as possible. In addition to meeting the statutory requirements of being in good health and of good character, the visa officer must be satisfied that the applicant is admissible to Canada, and, in the case of spouses, that the relationship is genuine and not entered into for immigration purposes only.
I understand your frustration at what appear to be unwarranted delays in issuing a permanent resident visa to your husband. The many steps involved in processing an application, coupled with the volume of applications, sometimes make it difficult to conclude cases in as timely a manner as we would like. In addition, processing delays often occur when the information provided is incomplete, or documentation or processing fees are missing. In such situations, immigration officials must stop the processing until they receive the required information from the applicants.
We realize that those who have submitted their applications look forward to being granted permanent resident status within a reasonable waiting period after applying. Please be assured that we make every effort to deal with the applications we receive in the most efficient and effective manner.
However, CIC has limited resources to deploy throughout its extensive overseas network. Each visa office must deal with operational environments unique both to its role in CIC’s overseas program commitments and the realities of the region of the world in which they are located. This means that processing times for the same category of applications may vary within the CIC visa office network. Given the varying operational environments in different countries, comparisons between visa offices can be misleading. I assure you that every effort is made to conclude the processing of spousal applications as expeditiously as circumstances permit.
While I realize that this situation is distressing to you, I trust that the information provided is of assistance.
S. Charbonneau
Ministerial Enquiries Division