Dear Sister, with due respect, I totally disagree with your vision about chcI timeline...
Do you really think timeline is gone up because we did raise our voices as a community - how can you prove this? To me, your given statement is an example of this: This world is blind--how can I explain?
Actually we are like the pigeon who closes his eyes to shut out the sight of the cat when the cat comes to eat him. Of course, the cat remains, and the poor pigeon realizes it only when the cat takes hold of him.
btw... we started complaining when timeline was at 22 months (you are welcome to browse old threads - they are still present on this forum).
On a positive note, I think, it happened because of our complains, now they have started taking smaller jumps of two months (22 months to 24 months and now 26 months) in their case processing timeline rather than taking bigger jumps of six months (i.e. 16 months to 22 months) in one go;