I gave this advise earlier also and I want to do that again to all my brothers and sisters here.
Please try to do a proper function for Nikkah or wedding, invite as many people as you can, arrange professional photographer and took as many photos as possible with all the relatives specially the parents, close relatives from both side. Because when you send the photos CHC want you to write relationships on the back of photos. So they want to see if relatives were present. The same questions were asked in the questionnaire in IMM forms.
After filing the case, atleast visit your spouse once, and gathered more pictures, proof visit, boarding passes, tickets etcs. and send them voluntary. This will save you from the disappointment of receiving objection or rejection letter. I had a proper marriage and valima and plenty photos but I still visited my wife within one year of filing the case and thanks to ALLAH Almighty, the marriage was considered genuine as soon as the file was first reveiwed. Imagine this is my 14 months of processing beside being considered as normal case, any singal doubt on your relationship will drag your case.