Hi People,
I'm new, but I've been following this thread for a while.
And, --excuse my French-- I am tired of reading merde.
Many people is freaking out with the cap situation. Please allowed me to shed some light
a) the cap has been reached. YES. Of course it has! long time ago... they received thousands of applications. But not ALL of them qualified.
b) does this mean they are giving ALL applications back? NO, there is NO WAY.
WHY? Because the subcap is 200 for each NOC group. Meaning that there are NOC's that may or may not have been reached, and it is mandatory for them to ensure the quality of the administration processes.
For example (and this is just an example): NOC 1111 may have reach the cap on May 2, and after that all documents submitted towards that NOC will be returned no matter when you submitted it. While NOC 2222, may end up on December 31st with 150 applications to be process and not 200.
This was clearly explained on the page they stupidly deleted.
They will process 200 per noc. That is "the cap". And it is NOT transferable. So, lets say there is a NOC whit 0 applicants at the end of December, then there will be 7800 applications successfully processed. (8000 - 200)
My guess is, they are taking longer to ensure the quality of immigrants. Being the cap so tight, that they will process the "best" applicants, not necessarily on a "first come first served" basis, as this would be terribly unfair to those who submitted the applications on late December.
It is obviously that they are trying to ensure "quality" right now, EE is a proof of that (no judgement). And this is probably the reason why they are being so silent. Once they decide which applications are going to be processed everything will be fast as a blink.
Also, let me point out that getting the AOR, does not ensure PR. Only means that they are taking your case on consideration. (Although, given the circumstances it is likely that if you got AOR you'll probably get PR too) (but this is not a fact, stated no-where)
There is nothing else but to be patient. You don't know if your NOC cap has been filled. There is still hope for December applicants in weird or less popular occupations.
Bringing on panic does not help.
So, please people, be wise and considerate. It's pointless to create panic or sadness among others that are in the same situation as you.
As for me, I will wait a little longer, see the results of the first drown, and apply under EE if I see I qualify.