Donno agony and anguish is creeping every day......
Canadian Experience Class -> Who has already contributed to economy , proved and working as part of Canadian job market...with all documentations kept waiting....on the other hand...Express entry....points to determine a NEW person and they are IN with PR with in 4-6 months!......I am no complaining on Express Entry but why is CEC group so cursed!!!.....are we like criminals??
What is unexplained thing of security / Criminality or ever what ever section taking ages of time!!!!.......Syrian Refuees.....EE......Holidays....alll are only impacting CEC!!!.....This is possibly last batch of people who are in with all documents what is making it so complex!!!!.....Our T4...Taxes....alll prove our contribution to Canadian economy and we are the one who are neglected only due to political reasons!!!!.......
Get good name in International arena get some Syrian refugees.......
If filling the resource gap is main idea , then we already working here and we stand the first chance.....This is worst phase of my life....11 months->12->13->14->16->17 months now

........June applicants still moving line snail!!!.....monthly intake of EE itself is like 3k-4k , I guess remaining all the CEC would be faaar less than that.....I feel it lack of intent from CIC to push forward on CEC 2014 applicants.....Exceptions are always there , but this is insane Delay killing people's lives....aspirations...Families......Canadian Govt cares !!! and if it really , it should reassess its strategy on the left over applications and make a faster progression!!!.......