Yes, we were very lucky.
In the first application he mentioned me in the reason for travel blurb, but officially on the application he didn't because at the time I was only his gf. Even now when we apply in May there's no official place on the application for him to mentioned me (since we won't be spouses until July) and we don't officially qualify as common law because we haven't officially lived together for a year, even though I've been living in the country for 3 years. So he'll mention me again in his reason for travel (to celebrate our future wedding with my family/friends who aren't able to come to DR with the rest of us) and then following that (since we want a multiple entry) to celebrate holidays with his (future) in laws, etc...
I too think we have a greater chance, but still very nervous because like I said, the papers for a TRV are now a lot more extensive than they were when we applied at the end of 2010.
For those who tried for a TRV and were denied, I think it shows that you were trying to spend more time with your significant other, which is a good thing. If u have one or two TRV attempts that were unsuccessful, I don't think that will be major cause for alarm. It would almost be more strange that one never tried to visit their spouses country. If there are many attempts to enter Canada that failed, that may be another thing, but 1 or 2 attempts, I wouldn't worry too much about either. Although I imagine it's very heart wrenching when being denied the chance for a TRV.