Hello, It's me Ahmed,.the Principal applicant,..I re-did my medical on June 14 -2012 and they received it in London Medical office in June 21 -2012,..and since then the embassy did not receive my medical results,..I am already approved,.but i do not know why they took so long time to receive my results,..my wife emailed the MP officer then the Mp emailed the Canadian Embassy in Cairo and replied back by saying that (This case is already approved and we are just pending the medical results from London and message has been sent to London Medical Office),....I think they emailed London last Sunday,....When do you guys expect for the embassy to receive my medical results,..cuz it's getting over by time

,.....God bless all of you and for all of you to hear something really soon enshallah,...one advice to all of you is that,Do not panic just wait,try to spend every minute with your partner without stressing out because we will just live one time,and No one knows what's gonna happen tomorrow,....so say ya Raaab, pray and relax,.....Have a great day my friends,...