Dear Sir,
Thanks for your kind post sharing your experience with me, please if you can tell me when did you apply and what was your refusal reason and how you are preparing your reasons? please help I have helped with my entire family what about you?
please mention your reason as well.
my Reason are
travel history
purpose of visit
Ties to Canada & ties to Country of residence
First I would like to mention that I am the guy who had his visa rejected

so I may not give you the best advice, nevertheless, I will share my thoughts with you.
The refusal reasons were the same, except I don't have ties to Canada (at that time). before I looked into the details, the first thing was mentioned is " You did not convince me that you will leave Canada " or something like that, this was back in 2014 I don't really remember the exact words, for the visa office to get that conclusion he looked consider different factors which are the reasons you mentioned (travel history, purpose of visit ... etc).
What I mean by working on my reason, is I am going now for different reason, first time I applied was to take an English course (less than Six months ) in Canada, I took that course with Canadian teacher here in Qatar now due to the visa refusal.
Now I am going for a different reason, family reasons and I have to be there for my family, I wrote an explanation letter to explain my reasons why visiting Canada and also attached proof why should I come back to my place of residence, like my 3 years work contract and I purchased a airline ticket going back to Qatar.
My idea is to show strong reason to visit and strong reason to leave. This might be not enough but I hope this will convince them.