Bro, piece of advice...if it says fill in all of your travel history, then it means, fill in all the travel history. Its not there to be questioned, you should be following the instructions. And I mean this in a nice way, to help out.
I dont know how or why you have so much travel history, but you are not alone. Just last year, I had travelled to over 15 different contries as a crew member, with ports of entry all over. Before that, I travelled all around Europe. What I'm trying to get at is that yes, it will take effort, but it is required. If you cannot manage to recollect all the information, then attach an explanation letter. If its a little inaccuracy you are worried about, I wouldn't stress so much. This has been discussed on a separate thread, where EU passport holders dont have stamps and cant account for a good portion of travels (as an example). So, including an explanation letter and giving details about discrepancy would solve this.
Thanks so much bro...u made it so much easier for me