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BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
fadimaya said:
mabroook hadaya spousal sponsorship ?>>?> alf mabrook again
Guys, I'm so grateful that Hadaya has shared the exact time they have received the "call"; because this changes our focus on "the great Friday" since their day was Monday! Now we can expect a call any time without narrowing our hopes only for 1 day per week:) This truly adds a lot! I hope we all get a call soooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Hero Member
Jul 18, 2011
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04-06-2011/ 07-03-2012 (BEY)
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Good morning to you all....

I just wanna start the day by saying Congatulations Hadaya...yalla nshallah 3a2beil the rest of us.

My friends....how are you all? Long time wallah i didnt check write anything but im alwas reading your news. I have some updated news from my MP...w baddei a3rif what's your input abt it. First of all I was told that not all the Lebanese applications are b Lebanon.Some went to other VO's evethough they dont say that. She said it is a big mess in Beirut VO, and that I could wait for another year. Which means 2 years.I tried telling her its been one year for me and never heard anything, she said so what so many ppl are like you, and that this is the last conversation she wants to have with me because she is sick and tired of ppl like me who blames her for the delay. I said im not blaming you but give me some info. Anyways, she said that country is the "war zone" and that Tehran VO is shutting down and the mess is just starting. They have no idea where to send the applications from Tehran and she told me this is the worst it can get.
SO definitely Im soooooooooo ANGRY at what is going on. I went to Lebanon a month ago and the secretary at the embassy was so rude on the phone. I have sent 2 e-mails (over 23 days) with no reply. THIS IS RIDICULOUS

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
LELLO said:
Good morning to you all....

I just wanna start the day by saying Congatulations Hadaya...yalla nshallah 3a2beil the rest of us.

My friends....how are you all? Long time wallah i didnt check write anything but im alwas reading your news. I have some updated news from my MP...w baddei a3rif what's your input abt it. First of all I was told that not all the Lebanese applications are b Lebanon.Some went to other VO's evethough they dont say that. She said it is a big mess in Beirut VO, and that I could wait for another year. Which means 2 years.I tried telling her its been one year for me and never heard anything, she said so what so many ppl are like you, and that this is the last conversation she wants to have with me because she is sick and tired of ppl like me who blames her for the delay. I said im not blaming you but give me some info. Anyways, she said that country is the "war zone" and that Tehran VO is shutting down and the mess is just starting. They have no idea where to send the applications from Tehran and she told me this is the worst it can get.
SO definitely Im soooooooooo ANGRY at what is going on. I went to Lebanon a month ago and the secretary at the embassy was so rude on the phone. I have sent 2 e-mails (over 23 days) with no reply. THIS IS RIDICULOUS
It's equally good to hear from you; although I would have rather read something like you know much more than you do!
In any case, I wouldn't trust anything this MP is telling you because she's being defensive and rude rather than supportive and helpful; if you are contacting her, it's because you feel that she is your only choice, and her response to that apparent longing for help doesn't match up to her position.
Today is the 1st of June, a fresh month and the start of a weekend; I choose to disregard what she told you because it has nothing productive about it; and there's nothing we can do anyway. Past experience has proven that different MP would say extremely different things; however, we know more than we think that could prove her wrong:
1- Tehran VO has already shut and it doesn't affect directly the PPr process as it wasn't an immigration VO, the only people affected by its closure are Iranians who have to go to Turkey for stamping their PPR.
2- YES Beirut VO is a mess but we already know 2 forumers who got their visa including Kat who had a waiting time of less than a year.
3- We have to remember that not everyone who are going through this process are part of our forum; so there must be others who are getting their papers but we simply don't know about!
4- My husband has contacted his MP and she was extremely nice, she explained the limits of her jurisdiction in a sense that she can't speed up the process rather than just give general information, in our case she gave me my file number and advised me to redo my medical test, a week later I got an email from Damascus to redo the medicals. So they can only know so little.
5- In the past, MPs have given REALLY wrong information to a lot people; such as Sohrab who got a call from his MP explaining how long he has to wait AFTER HIS WIFE HAS GOTTEN HER PPR!!!!
Finally, we all know how horrible this process is, and how much it truly affects our whole being and existence; we have to rise to the occasion everyday and prove to ourselves that we can beat this by being even more and more and more patient, and when I say "we" I'm talking to myself as well! Because I truly need to hear this soooooooo muchhhhhh!!!!
In conclusion LELLO, myself and everyone, we have to have more faith in our relationships and in God. This is the biggest test we will have to go through in a long while (hopefully)! May God give us the wisdom, strength and patience to go through it everyday with grace without falling apart!!!


Hero Member
Jul 18, 2011
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
04-06-2011/ 07-03-2012 (BEY)
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I know it is hard on all of us and I do know that my MP doesnt know what she is talking about. Your words were amazing Still Waiting and nshallah soon we will hear good news. Now I wanna ask something, if my husband medicals just expired in May, do you I should go ahead and tell him to redo or wait? and Im thinking abt ordering CAIPS? any idea how and where...


Hero Member
Dec 22, 2011
Job Offer........
hi every body,
welcome back LELLO we missed you here
I have read what you and still waiting wrote
I talked with my Husband about the MP
but he did not accept at all to talk with them hehehehe msaker rasoooooo
I tried alot 7abibi just do a call :D :D
he said no and that I do not know them
they are lieing they do not know more of us they can ask about our file like us nothing more
:D :D
but from what you said and sohrab and other friends I think he is right

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
LELLO said:
I know it is hard on all of us and I do know that my MP doesnt know what she is talking about. Your words were amazing Still Waiting and nshallah soon we will hear good news. Now I wanna ask something, if my husband medicals just expired in May, do you I should go ahead and tell him to redo or wait? and Im thinking abt ordering CAIPS? any idea how and where...
LELLO, I was gonna tell you about CAIPS but I figured you must've ordered them already! So yes It is a great idea although CAIPS are not reliable as well but at least you will 100% know where your file is, this was the only helpful thing about CAIPS for me!
You and your husband should just fill these forms:
form 1- http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5563E.pdf to be filled by you( the sponsor who has a canadian address)

form 2 - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5475E.pdf to be filled by the sponsored who will just sign it, and scan it to email it to you.

The fees are $5 only. You can either mail them to the address provided in the forms or just email them to specified address (both in the form).

The complete details are here:

In the regards to the medical test, don't wait until they request it as spousal sponsorship applications are the only exception to the rule that people should wait for their request.

Nshallah we all hear more good news with same caliber as Hadaya's:)


Hero Member
Dec 22, 2011
Job Offer........
LELLO said:
I know it is hard on all of us and I do know that my MP doesnt know what she is talking about. Your words were amazing Still Waiting and nshallah soon we will hear good news. Now I wanna ask something, if my husband medicals just expired in May, do you I should go ahead and tell him to redo or wait? and Im thinking abt ordering CAIPS? any idea how and where...
I think no need to redo the medical because they issued a new law so look at this :


Full Member
Jun 7, 2011
Visa Office......
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Congatulations Hadaya... wish to hear more good news from Beirut..... soon


Hero Member
Sep 28, 2011
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Hi everyone,

Here I am in lebanon, having good time with my wife! First congratulations Hadaya for the ppr. Beirut vo is working hard for sure!

I go wednesday to the ambassy. Fisrt the man told me why you come here. i told him its for the files of my wife. He give me a paper with the e-mail of the vo and ask me to send an e-mail. i tell him that i send many e-mail and i show him the e-mails. its was 8 am. He give me a number and tell me ok wait you will go in at 9.

At 9 he call my number and i go in. when i go in he ask me the same question why you come here. I tell him the story. after few minutes the agent tell me sorry for that but you was not suppose to go in if you want any info send a e-mail. I tell him look my wife is pregnant here is the report i send many e-mail nobody answer and its been 18 month of waiting time. He tell me ok go outside i will se what i can do and call you back.

after 10 min he call me back and lets me in. i wait few minutes in the waiting room and he tell me go to room 3. a lady was there i explain her my situation tell her that each 4 month i come to lebanon put a lot of money and my wife is pregnant .........

She told me look i will lets the visa officer look at your files and if everything is ok we will give your wife the visa. she take the phone number of my wife and i go out from the embassy.

after 20 minutes a lady call my wife she tell her that the files is clean but only a few things is missing from the security tcheck the visa officer will send an e-mail to ottawa to finish the security and in 3 weeks to 1 month we will call back for the ppr. ( security tchek is done by ottawa and not by the vo).

So that my story my friends. its give a lot of hope for us. I dont think they give false info or something like that because they can tell us you have to wait and that it. yallah we wait 18 month we can wait another month :D


Hero Member
Feb 28, 2012
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
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Med's Request
Med's Done....
12-05-2011 / 26-09-2012
Passport Req..
Good Luck Hab :)

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
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Doc's Request.
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Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
Hab said:
Hi everyone,

Here I am in lebanon, having good time with my wife! First congratulations Hadaya for the ppr. Beirut vo is working hard for sure!

I go wednesday to the ambassy. Fisrt the man told me why you come here. i told him its for the files of my wife. He give me a paper with the e-mail of the vo and ask me to send an e-mail. i tell him that i send many e-mail and i show him the e-mails. its was 8 am. He give me a number and tell me ok wait you will go in at 9.

At 9 he call my number and i go in. when i go in he ask me the same question why you come here. I tell him the story. after few minutes the agent tell me sorry for that but you was not suppose to go in if you want any info send a e-mail. I tell him look my wife is pregnant here is the report i send many e-mail nobody answer and its been 18 month of waiting time. He tell me ok go outside i will se what i can do and call you back.

after 10 min he call me back and lets me in. i wait few minutes in the waiting room and he tell me go to room 3. a lady was there i explain her my situation tell her that each 4 month i come to lebanon put a lot of money and my wife is pregnant .........

She told me look i will lets the visa officer look at your files and if everything is ok we will give your wife the visa. she take the phone number of my wife and i go out from the embassy.

after 20 minutes a lady call my wife she tell her that the files is clean but only a few things is missing from the security tcheck the visa officer will send an e-mail to ottawa to finish the security and in 3 weeks to 1 month we will call back for the ppr. ( security tchek is done by ottawa and not by the vo).

So that my story my friends. its give a lot of hope for us. I dont think they give false info or something like that because they can tell us you have to wait and that it. yallah we wait 18 month we can wait another month :D
Hab!!!!! That is AMAZING, FANTASTIC & WONDERFUL news!!!! KHEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Nshallah you will leave with her!!!! I'm so happy for you, hopefully this month we will hear more good news for you, Lele and all of us!!!
Keep us posted and enjoy the beautiful weather and the great news with your wife!!! May God give us more patience and hope to keep us strong so we could carry on:)
Yalla guys the prayers are working!!!! God listens to us and is always with us:)

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
lele said:
I think no need to redo the medical because they issued a new law so look at this :
Lele, thanks for sharing the link! I read it but I didn't get the whole picture as I have many questions; such as when will this be effective and if it is only for applications received after that date, plus, what does the discretion of the officer mean... Plus they said something about the medicals being the ONLY dey to the issuing of the visa.. how do we know that it is.... So I don't know what to say about this news. Good luck to us all!!! Nshallah this week we see GREENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ROWSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in our chart!!!!


Hero Member
Dec 22, 2011
Job Offer........
still waiting said:
Lele, thanks for sharing the link! I read it but I didn't get the whole picture as I have many questions; such as when will this be effective and if it is only for applications received after that date, plus, what does the discretion of the officer mean... Plus they said something about the medicals being the ONLY dey to the issuing of the visa.. how do we know that it is.... So I don't know what to say about this news. Good luck to us all!!! Nshallah this week we see GREENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ROWSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in our chart!!!!
yes still waiting I have the same questions !!!! but I think it is a good news, I do not know :(
tireddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd I can't bear more t3bt

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
lele said:
yes still waiting I have the same questions !!!! but I think it is a good news, I do not know :(
tireddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd I can't bear more t3bt
I know!!!!! Well maybe I don't know that much since I've been waiting for a bit less than you, but I know that every day, EVERY SINGLE DAY is a struggle! I also know that each day I learn that I'm going to go through this struggle NO MATTER how my attitude is towards it... Therefore, I have good days and I have bad days with my struggle... Consequently my friend, try to focus on the longevity of your relationship and the real point behind you saying "i do" to your partner... That is what I keep in mind nowadays, I keep thinking why i married my husband and what we're looking forward to when we get together again. I choose to love my days now even when I'm apart from him. When you put love in your eyes you start looking at things differently... even the most familiar things would look different, today I was looking at the mountains that I see everyday and I saw them different! I thanked God for everything that he created... I think being thankful for what we HAVE is more productive and HAPPY than missing what we don't have YET! I don't how I will feel about all this tomorrow, I hope I will hang on to this feeling of gratitude for long... I wish you do too even for a day!!! Lastly, you must know that I pray for you to get your papers as soon as possible.. I pray for everyone but especially for those of us who have been waiting the longest... Nshallah this month will become our lucky June, may God bestow his grace on us with amazing news....