You need not to be worried. Since its an educational loan, they recognize it. However, it would be reasonable if the funds can directly be accessible by you and proof of this be shown.I will be taking an education loan from a government-approved national bank by mortgaging my father's property. And as financial proof, I will be submitting the loan sanction letter from the bank. In addition to this, I will attach mine and my father's bank statements to show we get a steady monthly income. But the main document to show the financial proof would be the education loan sanction letter.
will these documents be enough?
"The VOs are not interested if its a borrowed money or not, the only way that raises concern to them is if it was a loan letter submitted as a proof of funds which might make them be curious for the authenticity of it."
According to your above comment, will they still be skeptical about the authenticity of the loan sanction letter from the bank?
can you please explain what exactly you meant by "if it was a loan letter submitted as a proof of funds which might make them be curious for the authenticity of it."
Thank you
All the VO is concerned about is that the proof of funds shown can be or is accessible by the applicant without any form of restrictions.