It's so exciting that you're so far along, Parker24
You can group like items together - eg clothes $xxxx if the value isn't huge or you can break it down a bit to say suits $xxxx, formal gowns $xxx, casual clothes $xxx. Same for lower value items like household goods, toiletries, etc. If you are importing thing over several trips, try to separate line items per trip so that you don't run into issues when they cross items off as you import them.
For jewelry and electronics, you need to list them one per line item and include: for jewelry a photo and for electronics model and serial number. You can complete multiple B4A forms and just number them. Folks have also reported using other formats (Excel, packing lists) successfully.
If you can take an extra copy, it will make life easier for you and the CBSA agent since they keep one and give one (once stamped) back to you.
Detailed instructions are at