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Aussie girl.. Canadian guy... online <3 ... but how to stay?


Oct 22, 2009
Hello there, Im hoping someone can help me. I have a heap of questions. (Forgive me, this will be long) :}

Im an Australian who met a Canadian man online. To cut a long story short, we talked for 2 years online; sent letters, gifts, spoke to each other's parents and friends over the phone many times. We knew there was definately something there and agreed to meet to see if it was the 'real deal'. I flew to Vancouver 3rd June 2009 on a 6 month visitor thingy (with the return ticket, money and job to return to at anytime if things didnt work out). He was there to pick me up and right from the beginning we 'clicked' as we always had, and we were both what the other had expected.

5 months on and we have both decided that this is exactly what we want, and I've been trying to work out the next step from here to gain a permanent status here. From reading soooo much information on both the CIC site and from many forums here, I believe i have the general idea of what to do, but its all just so confusing so I'm really hoping someone can guide me here.

From what I've understood so far:

- I have 30 days before my current status runs out, and so should apply for a visitor extention. I have all the papers here in front of me, and Im assuming that this is kinda the way to go for the moment so to 'buy' me more time to work out how to go about PR?
My question about this is: What do I give as my reason? "Want to stay with my partner and go through the process of PR"???

- Then after successfully extending stay (hopefully) wait until we are at the year mark to apply for common law from within Canada (so I can stay with him here)? Or is there another way?
My question about this is: While it is going through, can I keep extending my stay? Or will they not look kindly on my continuing to extend even if im applying for a PR? (Yes, I did read the stuff on the CIC site about sending in the extention and the PR application at the same time.. but while that PR is processing, can I keep extending?)

Im so confused, i see so much information and have no idea which is the best way
If anyone has a good idea of how i should go about this please help! I would be so so so grateful for even the smallest amount of guidence here :) Also post if im not giving enough details.. lol

OOPS! i should add...

I havent broken any laws.. havent worked or studied illegally, no crim record or such. My partner is supporting me at the moment and is happy to do so until I have a stable status here. Also, I have a "Debit" Visa card with my own money on it from my job (that my family can wire money through to me on). Im not sure if this helps any.. just thought maybe its important. :p


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Apply for your 6 month visit visa extension by stating something like "exploring relationship". Show that you have the means to stay without working illegally or get a letter from him stating he's supporting you and that he has the means.

Somebody on this board said they'd extended a visit visa for 3 years always giving the reason of "exploring relationship" and it had worked.

If you want to apply sooner than you can qualify for common law, you would need to get married, then you can apply right away. Then you can still apply to extend your visit visa based on "waiting for PR processing but ready to go back for interview if required". It's generally advised to apply through your country of nationality when you can because applying within Canada can get very problematic if an interview is required. You can still in both cases stay in Canada during the processing.


Oct 27, 2009

My story is quite the same to you. I travelled here in dec 2007, and had my visa extension two times before I got married with my canadian husband. So far I did not have any big problem to extend my visa. I think it is important to show them you did not participate in any illegal stuff, like working. I was a nurse in Hong Kong, so the first time I extend my visa was to went through the assessment with the nursing association as it took a few months. And then my husband nad I got married in May 2009, and I extend my visa again, this time they gave me an extension for 1 year, as I told them I was applying for PR as well. Hopefully I will be able to get my PR soon without any problem.


Oct 22, 2009
Hi there, thankyou so much for your reply. I hope your PR comes through without a trouble.
Im just curious about your 2 innitial extensions... I was told that the first time applying for an extension is very easy to get accepted, but from then on it gets very difficult. What was the general reason you gave to extend your visa? (If im not being too rude in asking). Im awaiting the answer for my first extension and Im a little worried about how they react to hearing that I want to extend it to be with my boyfriend. Thanks :)


Oct 27, 2009
The first time was to gone through the assessment by the nursing association here and then the second time was because the nursing council here needed more information about my nursing background from Hong Kong, so things got delayed and so I applied for another visa extension. I did get the letter from the nursing association here about the delay and wanted further info, so I copied that letter for the immigration office as well when I applied for another visa extension. And it turned out fine and they did not ask my for any further information on that. My feeling is you have to be honest with them and give them all the information they need.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2019

My story is quite the same to you. I travelled here in dec 2007, and had my visa extension two times before I got married with my canadian husband. So far I did not have any big problem to extend my visa. I think it is important to show them you did not participate in any illegal stuff, like working. I was a nurse in Hong Kong, so the first time I extend my visa was to went through the assessment with the nursing association as it took a few months. And then my husband nad I got married in May 2009, and I extend my visa again, this time they gave me an extension for 1 year, as I told them I was applying for PR as well. Hopefully I will be able to get my PR soon without any problem.
did you apply for inland ?