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***August 2019 AOR Tracking - join here***


Full Member
Jan 20, 2018
Victoria, BC, Canada
Maybe it's just me, but a quick look at immitracker suggests that the FSW-Inland (esp. Sydney NS) folks have the longest wait times by far.

My tracker says 19 days left but I don't have any hopes of getting my PR on time given the trend so far.

Thoughts, anyone?
I am also FSW-inland, AOR: 18 Aug. I received my GCMS notes yesterday and here is what they say:

Eligibility: Met
Security: Not Started
Criminality: Passed
Medical: Passed
Info Sharing: Complete

These notes reflect the changes from December 17 2019 though...but I called them yesterday and nothing has changed...
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Star Member
Oct 2, 2019
@baltzly This morning I was told by representative that my back ground checks are in progress and also final decision is not yet taken but in a matter of time I can expect it. I specifically asked for my security info and she mentioned she can’t share that info. Even last week I know my security is not started, but i was surprised to listen today about my security info was not shared. I applied for gcms and I got 90 days extension.
Will i get any ghost update if security starts ?
If possible could you please u r share your thoughts on this ?
Thank you.


Hero Member
Apr 21, 2019
@baltzly This morning I was told by representative that my back ground checks are in progress and also final decision is not yet taken but in a matter of time I can expect it. I specifically asked for my security info and she mentioned she can’t share that info. Even last week I know my security is not started, but i was surprised to listen today about my security info was not shared. I applied for gcms and I got 90 days extension.
Will i get any ghost update if security starts ?
If possible could you please u r share your thoughts on this ?
Thank you.
Can I ask what is 90 days extension for gcms?


Star Member
Oct 2, 2019
Can I ask what is 90 days extension for gcms?
This is what I got in the email:

"an extension of 90 days beyond the statutory 30 day limit is necessary to process your request. This extension is due to a large number of records or necessitates a search through a large number of records and meeting the original time limit would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the government institution"
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Star Member
Oct 2, 2019
I am not sure if everyone can see a ghost update when security is initiated, but I personally did see one on the day of the starting of my security.

When was your eAOR? I guess the reason the agent told you that you could expect a result may be that you are getting closer and closer to your 6-month due date. When I called them 2 weeks ago, the agent also said I may get a decision by the end of this month. I have no idea why she said that to me, Could it be because she saw some kind of due date on my file? or simply because she knew that my 6-month due date is Feb 2. I don't have much hope to be honest. I would prefer to take what the agent said as just a good wish.
Thank you @baltzly for your insights on this.
My eaor is oct 1st.
I got to know today that my file also moved to ottava from sydney. When I check back in dec , my application was in sydney and my eligibility is met and security needs to be started. I am us/fsw applicant. Yes, after I got to know about my gcms, I am looking into CBSA notes.
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Star Member
Oct 2, 2019
No worries:)

Are you currently residing in the US? If so, then it is not surprising to see your file transferred to Ottava from Sydney, as I have seen a few US cases moved to Ottava from Sydney:)

Do you know when exactly your eligibility was met? There used to be almost no gap between eligibility and security (security starts immediately once eligibility is met), but recently a few people on this forum have reported that their security is still not started despite eligibility being cleared weeks or even 2-3 months ago. My speculation is that CBSA may face too many cases now and cannot open all of them. especially considering they still have so many pending cases in their hands. As a result, security is not necessarily initiated right after eligibility is met (basically cases are in a long queue to be opened and processed for security). This is just my pure speculation, but the number of people reporting "security not started" is definitely on the rise.
Yes sir, currently I am residing in us.
It has been almost 3 months since my eligibility is met.
Initially I thought tough it says security not started, it was running in background. When i see other gcms notes then I notice security not started means it’s really not started. Then again I came to know that security will start once eligibility is updated to pass from met/recommended pass , but I am not sure which one is true. So as soon as I am near to 90days mark , I requested for gcms notes to get a real picture of my file but i got 90 days extension :p .
Moreover i requested agent if there any due date on my file but i didn’t get any info on that.
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Star Member
Oct 2, 2019
I ordered my GCMS notes back in September and in October I received a 90-day extension notice. I finally got them last week, only to find out that they were generated in September (before the extension request from IRCC). The information is already outdated and useless now:-(. I have no idea why they sought that extension when the notes were already generated.

I also ordered my CBSA notes back in October and received them in November without delay.

As to security, a few people on this forum (not on this thread) have previously said that security may be in progress secretly despite notes and agents saying it is not started, but there is no way to substantiate this theory, and I tend to believe it is indeed not started. My CBSA notes clearly say security is in progress when it was actually in progress. When I compared my CBSA and GCMS notes, I found that when my security was in progress, "security" in GCMS notes was simply blank, whereas in my CBSA notes it is marked as "in progress", so I do think there is a big chance that your security is in fact not started.

Since you are only in the fourth month after AOR, and your eligibility was met three months ago, your eligibility was done really fast! (only one month after your eAOR right?)

As to the difference between eligibility met and pass, I am sort of confused. My notes suggest that my eligibility was met by a case processing agent (on Sep 4), and there is no detailed notes left by an officer who usually has the authority to change "met" to "pass". However, one day after it was met (on Sep 5) , the notes suggest that there was another activity done by an unknown person that changed my eligibility status from "met" to "pass". In the past, there should be detailed notes left by an officer saying that "I'm satisfied with the case processing agent's recommendation and will not revisit the decision", but I didn't see anything like this in my notes.
First of all, really appreciate for your detailed explanation.
Yes, after my eaor, my medicals were passed in 10 days, my criminality was passed and eligibility was met in less than 30 days in CIO sydney.
I was in midst of excitement and anxiety back then. Now kind of anxiety and confusion lol :p .

I will wait for few more days and will go for CBSA report sir.
Does CBSA says if it is ss or security check ??
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Star Member
Oct 2, 2019
My pleasure:)

We need to shake hands (even just virtually) :) I experienced an early period that is almost identical to yours. My medical, criminality and eligibility were all passed within the first month after eAOR. I was also full of excitement and hope at that time and thought I would get my PR very soon. Then this excitement quickly turned into disappointment and anxiety when I got to know that my SS started one day after eligibility was done (early September).

In my experience, when they seek an extension, they will release your notes at a time very close to the end of the extended period. In my case, my notes were released one day before the 90-day extension expired (4 months after I placed my order) , so you may have some waiting to do. Thus, I suggest you order your CBSA notes now or in the near future, otherwise you wont get any notes in the next two months, and not seeing any notes for a long period of time may exacerbate your anxiety.

CBSA notes are not redacted, so you will see clearly what kind of security is going on (basic or SS).

Next week, my SS will enter its sixth month. I currently only have 10 days left before the so called six month due date. I feel I am victimised by this system as the due date is not respected or observed by IRCC at all.
Don’t worry sir, pretty much soon we all be getting golden email. :)
To clear my ielts itself it took around 1.5 years, most of times I got stuck at 6.5 in S/W.
Until few days back, I was silent follower / observer in this forum and then due to my anxiety , I started to communicate with others over here.
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Full Member
Apr 10, 2019
Anyone here who has an AOR in August 2019, and then subsequently added his/her spouse on the PR application because of marriage?


Full Member
Jan 20, 2018
Victoria, BC, Canada
At least you still have chances of getting it within 6 months. It is almost impossible for me to get this done within 6 months as I will hit that mark next week.
If only it was certain that once we passed 5/6 months, the chances that our applications would get rejected are zero, then we are fine, it is just a matter of wait and patience, but I have seen people getting rejected even after the 6 month period!
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Full Member
Jan 20, 2018
Victoria, BC, Canada
I am convinced that FSW-inland applications are dealt with last, since presumably we are already here...
I agree, but that is what they tell people that it is all about equal opportunities and fair processing but then you witness different realities. There is nothing like fair or equal, it is always what goes with their agenda and what they need first.
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Full Member
Jan 20, 2018
Victoria, BC, Canada
Yes, there are rejected cases after 6 months, although the number is quite low. There is no guarantee of success before the moment we get PPR, so theoretically rejection can happen anytime during the process, so we are by no means reassured. It is really annoying and frustrating.
What pisses me the most is when I got my GCMS notes, I noticed that they managed to check my eligibility, criminality and medical status within 24 days after eAOR! Then it's been dead for 5 months with security always "not started". This has one explanation: They tossed my application aside, to take care of other more deemed ones, and they have all the means to do that, since there is no law that obliges them to explain the long wait or the weird processing times they are applying...
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