My pleasure
We need to shake hands (even just virtually)

I experienced an early period that is almost identical to yours. My medical, criminality and eligibility were all passed within the first month after eAOR. I was also full of excitement and hope at that time and thought I would get my PR very soon. Then this excitement quickly turned into disappointment and anxiety when I got to know that my SS started one day after eligibility was done (early September).
In my experience, when they seek an extension, they will release your notes at a time very close to the end of the extended period. In my case, my notes were released one day before the 90-day extension expired (4 months after I placed my order) , so you may have some waiting to do. Thus, I suggest you order your CBSA notes now or in the near future, otherwise you wont get any notes in the next two months, and not seeing any notes for a long period of time may exacerbate your anxiety.
CBSA notes are not redacted, so you will see clearly what kind of security is going on (basic or SS).
Next week, my SS will enter its sixth month. I currently only have 10 days left before the so called six month due date. I feel I am victimised by this system as the due date is not respected or observed by IRCC at all.