knowledge101 said:
I was reading on another thread that when your file is transferred it will say "Background check is not needed at this time" but once they begin working on your file it will say "Not Started" and when they are about to approve you for the visa it will switch to "In process". Does anyone here who already has SA have "not needed at this time" for Background check? I want to see if this is true.
Shmak2017 said:
Good point.....I just check my cic and on Background check it shows " Not Started " Not sure when i changed from " Noy needed at this time "
No emai, no update, no AOR2

I checked mycic again after reading above messages. It shows:
Application status: Open
Review of eligibility: review in progress
Review of Medical results: passed
Review of submitted documents: Blank
Scheduling of interview: not needed at this time
A background check is needed: In progress
Final decision: Not started
Is the above normal?? I never paid attention to what the above had before.
The ecas shows "application received" as status on applicant side. Nothing showing as (in process) :-X