Hi Canadiano,
I am guessing that you would have provided your mailing as well as home address within the Application itself,
So unless your application was received and refused before being assessed for completeness on the same day, there is a high chance that any return mail would be sent to the mailing address provided within the application itself.
If you still feel uncomfortable, since you are now at that 2 month mark, I would keep checking work mail, home address mail, as well as your email, (if you provided an email address on your application) and if you hear nothing by the end of the week , then call CIC and ask for a status update.
However some one else with more experience may feel free to chime in.
On that note I had a weird dream last night that my application was returned for incompleteness
, woke up and realized it was only a dream , thank Goodness! Its a week short 2 months since I submitted my application, So keeping fingers crossed that I hear some good news by early November.
****Oh Pardon my manners, Congrats on the positive news for those of us who heard something this week so far. Augustians are moving on up
I am guessing that you would have provided your mailing as well as home address within the Application itself,
So unless your application was received and refused before being assessed for completeness on the same day, there is a high chance that any return mail would be sent to the mailing address provided within the application itself.
If you still feel uncomfortable, since you are now at that 2 month mark, I would keep checking work mail, home address mail, as well as your email, (if you provided an email address on your application) and if you hear nothing by the end of the week , then call CIC and ask for a status update.
However some one else with more experience may feel free to chime in.
On that note I had a weird dream last night that my application was returned for incompleteness
****Oh Pardon my manners, Congrats on the positive news for those of us who heard something this week so far. Augustians are moving on up