Should you send any update documents to CHC, There would be no harm in doing so. If you have contacted CHC for additonal familly size, surely they will ask you to update your IMM008 application forms. If your IELTS report is more than two years, CHC may/Not ask for an update, depend on when an initial assessment is done on your application. For instance, i submited in 2004, i received initial assessment in October 2008 and final assessment in December 2009. April 2009 CHC contacted me to ask for my continua interest/withdrawal of my application. Therefore my IELTS was no longer valid before my initial assessment, then, i had to redo the test.
As an old applicant like you, you will receive a mail and a letter by post probably late this year or early next year from chc to ask you for your continua interest or withdrawal of your application. If you receive this letter, that means CHC is now ready to do initial assessment on your application, dont waste time to update all your documents, such as employment references, additional qualification, family size, IELTS Report, but wait for them to ask for PCC and proof of funds because these documents expired very quickly. When they are ready for the final assessment you will be contacted to update your IRPA Forms, submit PCC. Proof of funds and ask for passport photograph to be afix to your medical request.
However, updating CHC with your documents or your status is not mandatory, you can as well wait for them to ask for it, the choice is yours, this is just to escape the limited time given by CHC for the submission of those doucments, which i think at that time, the time frame will be too tight for anyone to meet. And if you have already updated those document, CHC wont ask for them again at the final assessment but only proof of funds and PCC. <<TIP>>>
ocuments update will scale you through initial assessment if there is a deficiency in your documents or your application or not sure you meet a pass mark,update them now before intial assessment. chc ask for updated documents if you have only scale through the initial assessment.
Note please. Though sometimes they do communicate their concern with the applicant to submit additional documents within a short period, but sometimes they dont, but this depends on the VO/IO. Is better to be on a saver sides, now that all fast track applicants are taken over. They dont give a damn to old applicants, even looking for a chance to refuse the old one to reduce the backlogs.(This is my opinion)
As per the application form being different from the previous one, yes, the application forms are now different but you have to use the new application forms. Still same contents but different formats.