@Kinza_Bee hello! maybe you can help me since you know a lot about this.. if if my papers already forwarded to the Visa Office, does that mean my sponsor is already approved? and should I expect an email from the VO and also for the SA? thank you in advance
Hi I am no expert but I do spend (or waste whichever you wanna look at it

) a lot of time on this forum reading up on what is happening. So here is what my research suggests:
- If you have already been sent off to your VO then worry not you are definitely approved as a sponsor. You can confirm this by logging onto your ECAS (online tool) with the Sponsor's details (UCI or Application# and DOB etc). This will show you 3 columns PA name, Sponsors status and PA's status. Here it should say Decision Made under Sponsorship Application Status.
- Not all sponsors get the sponsor Approval email. some members claim to have never gotten this email. so it's possible that they just never sent it.
- Not all VO's send out email also. London doesn't which is my VO. So again on ECAS under Permanent Residence Application Status where it should say In Process for you guys when you click here, there should be line there that is something along the lines of "we started processing your application on June XX, 20XX. (just an example). This definitely means they have received your file and is in queue to be reviewed by an officer.
If you are still not content with what you see, order your GCMS notes (refer to my previous post on how to apply for notes). All the best