Hello! I am actually not new in this forum but had to create a new account that's why it's kinda new

It's been awhile since I last visited and read posts here. I am hoping I can get a reply or advise on my situation. I was sponsored under conjugal in 2009, landed in 2011 June and and in a common-law relationship until June 2013. Unfortunately, our relationship didn't last, and I have no contact with my ex partner.
I met my wife now in 2014 and got married on Jan 2015 here in Canada. We are in a same sex relationship, by the way. My wife was studying in the US when I met her and moved in with me here in Toronto on Oct 2014 for almost 6 months as tourist. At that time, I didn't sponsor her before because I thought I was under the five year bar. I was really confused of what it really meant. It says that if you were sponsored before March 2012, you are not affected of this change. My confusion is if it's me who were sponsored before March 2012 or if I will sponsor my wife which will be after March 2012.
We decided to go back home on April 2015 and tried our luck in the Philippines and because we didn't want her to overstay and break the rules. Let me say we had our time together for a year ( like honeymoon stage lol) before I went back home in Toronto.
Anyway, just to be sure, I am out of the 5 year bar in June 10, 2016. To be on the safe side we decided to file our application in July of this year. She's currently in the Philippines, I am now working with my previous employer since May 16,2016. While I was doing the Sponsor Forms I need an advice on some of the few questions, so it will just be one shot for us. Please see below
1) If I were sponsored under spouse, conjugal, common law in 5 years preceding this application Do not submit as I will not be eligible to sponsor a spouse. Does this apply to me? I believe it's not because I was sponsored in 2009 under conjugal. Please confirm
2) What was my personal income in the last 12 months preceding this application. I am really not sure if there's a minimum requirement in sponsoring a spouse. My amount included is the one I got from my tax refund and salary from my start date until June 30. ( because I plan to submit our application on July 4) Would this be enough? Though we have a joint account in the Philippines and a little savings. Should we include a bank statement as supporting document?
3) Because I was sponsored under conjugal and was in common law relationship for 2 years, do I need Declaration of Severance of Common- Law? Or my Option C in 2014 and 2015 would show my status and of course my Marriage Certificate to prove that I severed my relationship with my ex?
4) My wife stayed in the US for almost 2 years, 5 months as tourist and the rest as student. Hence, she has to get police certificate from FBI. It would take 60 days as per their website to issue a police clearance. Can I already send our application and provide a letter that it's requested and just waiting for it? So that our application would start and send to Manila office for processing?
I know this is quite long, I am hoping for your patience to read and provide advise

I can't think of anything now. Thank you, all in advance!