EPP said:
On GCMS Notes, what the following means:
Filed Name: Secondary Office
Action: Removed
No A36 concerns evident
I think it's about criminal inadmissibility. They removed it, so you're good

Probably your PPR is taking time because of your background checks. If you have travelled a lot or you home country is lazy about sending what CIC asks for, it might delay your application a bit. Just keep faith, you'll get the e-mail very soon!
Apply for Criminal Rehabilitation at the Sydney OfficeTo make an application for Rehabilitation to the Sydney office if you are inadmissible to Canada under A36(1)(b) or A36(2)(b) of Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and are eligible to apply, you must:.......
Processing time for A36(1)(b) type cases is a minimum of 12-18 months.
Processing time for A36(2)(b) type cases is a minimum of 4-6 weeks.