HI.. Saki/Mitali/Manj Bhai and all the senior members like Canada123 etc etc ..
here I am back with my detailed problems... " I m not disclosing my real name and identifications..."
1. In my
Matric and
Inter certificate I have spelling of my name e.g
" Samir " and in my
Diplomas and
Degrees and
Appointment Letters,
Reference Letters I have the spelling of my name is e.g
in my
Driving License i have the spelling of my name is
"Samir" .... the problem is both the spellings are correct. sum body uses
" Samir " and sum uses
" Sameer " ... will it effect my application, will the Visa Officer raise any issue..? if YES then what should i do in advance before sending my final documentation..?
2. same problem with my wife's name... but its a minor. she has the name e.g
" Shereen Mirza " on her evry educational document but on the
Nikaah nama the name is
" shereen Kanwal " name on the
nikkah nama is followd by the
old NIC and
pasport, which are no more now.. according to the
new NIC and
Passport her name changed to
" Shereen Sameer " the only conflict is the
nikkah nama where it show her old name as
" Shereen Kanwal ". which is different than the educational docs.
actually the name changed
mistakenly when the
NIC were made and then never bothered to correct it.. now what to do for
nikaah nama...
and moreover, will they raise an issue regarding the surname changed to
"Sameer" from
"Kanwal or
3. how often they verify the
job experiences..? actually i made
sum changes to my
job description and
designations, it will be verified if they call the
signing person whose
visiting card will be attached with the reference letters. are they
verifying by calling company or s
ending faxes to the companies..?
4.. i did logged my application through a
consultant and now i
withdrew my application from him, he gave me
coppies of the forms which are
filled by hand and sent to the Intake office. actually there was a mistake he made in first turn of sending my
application in march, which he
received back for corrections, he
corrected it and sent again in April. the copies he
provided me are hand filled and one of the form is
dated "March" and others are
dated "April" so i am afraid that he has provided me the
faulty forms which he received back.. because he must have Copies of those also... so may be he provided me those.. what if he has
provided different application forms and i
follow the provided forms preparing my
new forms according to that...
5. my
previous consultant wrote my
father's name spellings as
" Mhammad " but the actual is
" Muhammad " for his first name. he used to write
twice the same wrong spelling... should i
correct it in my new forms...? or doing so will raise
another issue..?
6. I have
arranged 1,500,000 Pak rupees = 18,290 CAD for
three family members... and deposited in a
new saving account (with my name) furthermore i
fixed that amount for
1 year and will get the
certificate in 2 or 3 days.. fixing the amount will be
suitable or i did wrong....?
7. me and my wife both
don't have the birth certificates... what about this issue. my wife has
copy certificate of the hospital where she born. but i don't have any thing..
8. should we submit the
Matric and Inter Certificates only or along with the
mark sheets... ? what if i
don't have the mark sheet of my
inter ... I should
issue a new copy of marks sheet from
Inter board or
just send the certificate...? and if you
suggest to issue a copy of marks sheet then it will be with the
new date, will this new date
cause an issue ...?
9. what about the
verification, should i verify
all the docs from matric and inter board and
degrees from HEC ... or just send the
notarized copies.. ?
10. now turn comes to
Police clearance... i got
married in
2008 and now its 2010. these two years
my wife lived with me in a different area from the one she were in before marriage. e.g ... she was in
Malir since from birth and now she is in
F.B Area since from
2 years... i m going to get the
police clearance from my area police station and they will provide my a
certificate for the period of stay in that particular area.. so should i get
an other police clearance from Malir also for
rest of the time period she spend in the same city...
there are many other issues which are breaking my stamina and letting me down for a withdraw of application... kindly help me....
hopefully sum of the listed issues are faced by sum other candidates also so thats why i am posting these issue publicaly rather than PM to both of you...
Saki and Mitali plzz ask Manj bhai also to take interest in solving these issues.. i will be really thankful to evry one who suggest me any thing... Mitalli here you got a chance to suggest me many things so dont miss it...