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Applications filed through NS --> Buffalo (Filed from USA)


Hero Member
Dec 2, 2009
Job Offer........
hii frnds...

i got my AOR from Buffalo on April 23rd, am a FSW3 applicant (in Canada from May 2008)
I am moving to another city inside the same province, so i need to change my address. could someone please let me know the process of changing the address

I received my AOR via mail with some barcode stickers, they mentioned in the letter that those barcodes can be used to change address and also to be used for sending passports in future.

so, if i send them to change address in this way, how long it will take to update it. because i am expecting some reply from Buffalo in next 3 to 4months.

please and thanks.

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
balu0427 said:
hii frnds...

i got my AOR from Buffalo on April 23rd, am a FSW3 applicant (in Canada from May 2008)
I am moving to another city inside the same province, so i need to change my address. could someone please let me know the process of changing the address

I received my AOR via mail with some barcode stickers, they mentioned in the letter that those barcodes can be used to change address and also to be used for sending passports in future.

so, if i send them to change address in this way, how long it will take to update it. because i am expecting some reply from Buffalo in next 3 to 4months.

please and thanks.

Hi balu0427,

All you have to do is sending them a request for change of address, showing your file number and information clearly.

How long it is going to take them to update your new address, i have no idea, maybe someone who has done it before can tell you.

Regrading the barcodes sticker, that is a new procedure, it was not in my AOR.

Have they sent you this sticker as a usable sticker or they just pasted it on the AOR letter ? because in my medical request letter, they pasted a barcode sticker on it but did not mention anything about it, and it is even unusable in my case because it is already pasted on the letter, how about yours ?


Hi guys, please share your thoughts on below, thanks...

Few days ago I got my medical request forms from Detroit office along with letter saying that they expect to finalize my case without personal interview ;). However they checked one of the boxes on a bottom of this sheet: Please submit the documents indicated on the “Required Documents List”. I'm required to provide “Updated evidence of funds for settlement in the form of all bank statements for the past twelve months”.
Well, I called my bank and will have those by the end of next week but the question/concern I have is why 12 months? I read a lot of forums here and the most I've seen for POF is 6 months worth of bank history. Is it a common request for Detroit office or am I getting special attention? Has anyone else experienced or heard of that?
Another interesting thing I just want to share with all of you from experience stand point is that I was told to complete medicals within 30 days to avoid unnecessary delay...

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
igtar said:
Hi guys, please share your thoughts on below, thanks...

Few days ago I got my medical request forms from Detroit office along with letter saying that they expect to finalize my case without personal interview ;). However they checked one of the boxes on a bottom of this sheet: Please submit the documents indicated on the “Required Documents List”. I'm required to provide “Updated evidence of funds for settlement in the form of all bank statements for the past twelve months”.
Well, I called my bank and will have those by the end of next week but the question/concern I have is why 12 months? I read a lot of forums here and the most I've seen for POF is 6 months worth of bank history. Is it a common request for Detroit office or am I getting special attention? Has anyone else experienced or heard of that?

Hi igtar,

Do not worry it is normal.

When you submitted your proof of funds first place with your full application to Buffalo, how long was your bank statment ?


I see now… It was a print out from the screen with my account balances and dates they were opened. A banker stamped and signed it. So to say it was no history of my balances involved at all.
Thank you Professional, for your quick response - I read a lot of your comments and want to let you know that I have a lot of respect for you because of your constructive feedback and comments. Also we have pretty much same timelines… We’ll stay in touch and best luck to you ;)!

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
igtar said:
I see now... It was a print out from the screen with my account balances and dates they were opened. A banker stamped and signed it. So to say it was no history of my balances involved at all.
Thank you Professional, for your quick response - I read a lot of your comments and want to let you know that I have a lot of respect for you because of your constructive feedback and comments. Also we have pretty much same timelines... We'll stay in touch and best luck to you ;)!

Thanks man for your kindness, yes actually i noticed that we have a similar timeline and hope that our visas come very soon.

By the way, in my case, they have not asked for an updated proof of funds with the medical request, may be because i sent them first place, a 2 years bank statment since i arrived canada along with an official letter from the bank stating my final balance which was already shown in the last month of the bank statment, and i sent them before they ask for the medical request, original financial tuition fees receipts from my school in canada.

Wish you the best of luck.


Hero Member
Jan 14, 2009
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 25th 2009 ( at Sydney)
December 29th
Hi balu0427,

Good news! Change of address is done almost "instantly" by Buffalo!!

You need to send them that information via the change of status format at the back of their letter to you giving your AOR.
Follow that format exactly.Send your letter via recorded delivery and delivery confirmation.
That way you will know eactly and reliably when it reached Buffalo.

Monitor the change in your ecas.
Your new address should show up typically in a few days after your letter reaches them.
Mine did.

Just in case that does not happen (a rare chance) and you know when your communication reached them, send them a case specific enquiry mentioning the exact date when your letter reached them. Attach a scanned copy of your original letter in that case specific enquiry email.

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
Oh guys, how sleepy i am ! I have just noticed that the barcode sticker pasted on my medical request letter is my B file number in the form of "Barcodes".

I did not notice that at the begining because i was so excited, and it was not written completely, some numbers are shown and the others are hiden like this:

B #### #### #

The spaces between the numbers are the hiden numbers, and both of them the hiden and shown numbers together are my B file number.


Same deal with me… Could be hidden office code or VO code or any internal tracking and/or filler, just guessing. Also, my barcode has two handwritten letters added at the end and I found the same letters printed on my meds… just my observation ;)

Also, I would say that should be the least thing to concern about :D


Champion Member
May 24, 2010
Job Offer........
igtar said:
Hi guys, please share your thoughts on below, thanks...

Few days ago I got my medical request forms from Detroit office along with letter saying that they expect to finalize my case without personal interview ;). However they checked one of the boxes on a bottom of this sheet: Please submit the documents indicated on the “Required Documents List”. I'm required to provide “Updated evidence of funds for settlement in the form of all bank statements for the past twelve months”.
Well, I called my bank and will have those by the end of next week but the question/concern I have is why 12 months? I read a lot of forums here and the most I've seen for POF is 6 months worth of bank history. Is it a common request for Detroit office or am I getting special attention? Has anyone else experienced or heard of that?
Another interesting thing I just want to share with all of you from experience stand point is that I was told to complete medicals within 30 days to avoid unnecessary delay...
Do not question their request, just send it in and you will receive your PPR shortly after Medical results have been received.


beauhoe said:
Do not question their request, just send it in and you will receive your PPR shortly after Medical results have been received.
thank you

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
igtar said:
Also, I would say that should be the least thing to concern about :D

Actually, i am not concerned about it at all, but since many applicants are talking about this barcode, and saying that the visa offices are asking them to use it in their correspondence, it drew my attention to get back to my barcode and check it.


Sorry Professional, did not mean to offense you I was just joking, my apologies