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Applications filed through NS --> Buffalo (Filed from USA)


Hero Member
Oct 3, 2009
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April/May 2011
Pasi said:
MarkCan, my DMP told me that they would not contact me unless they found something wrong with our results. So if we do not get contacted by them, it means your results are good. Just that you need to followup with your DMP office to know the tracking number of your results so that you can track on when it reaches Ottawa.
Yep, that is true. However, the DMP also mentioned that many a times Ottawa can ask for further tests. Hence, keeping my fingers crossed.


Hero Member
Nov 13, 2009
Job Offer........
Guys, for the first time I have a real update. I believe, this will put to rest some of the speculations that we had been making all along. The general feeling is that till the time it shows "Received by visa office", the file is just sitting somewhere biting dust. However, I learnt it the hard way that that may not be true. On 17th June, my supervisor whose reference I had given in my application package, got a call from Buffalo which he had to miss as he was busy. However, these guys didn't stop there and used the board line number that was on the letter head. Now, that got directed to the local HR. Problem is, I belong to the consulting practice of my organization. This is just 5.5 years old and has less than a total of 1000 employees while the overall employee strength is 200, 000. In our organization, we can serve multiple accounts at one time or for short durations, while the general organization is such that it has employees attached to a particular account for life. Also, being a consulting organization, it doesn't have a designation defined as a "manager" in all of it's IT operations which is 95% of the organization. Local HR gets such calls many times a day and is not aware of these things for 1 associate as I am the only 1 in the locality. Our HR actually sits elsewhere. When the Buffalo guys asked the HR, he saw from the HR system a different supervisor and a desaignation which didn't match what was mentioned in my application. Problem is PR application requirement stresses on the role rather than the designation. And my role is actually correct, but designation doesn't reflect that. So, by the time my supervisor got time to return the Buffalo voicemail on 18th, these guys had already made up a notion and asked for the contact number of the supervisor who was mentioned by the HR. Naturally, my reference got confused and asked to be given some time. When he learnt that the supervisor mentioned by HR was actually just a workflow approver for a short term travel, he returned the call with these details and was also asked about my promotion, role, details, etc. which he answered. Finally, those guys said, ok, you can inform the candidate that he can hear back from us in 10 days. Now, what does that mean? Were they convinced that I had given them wrong details and wanted to refuse my case? Or were they satisfied with the answer and wante dto start processing within 10 days? Does anyone have any ideas?

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi garian4u,

This is very important information which means that they start the verification of job references before sending the medicals, and sometimes before even updating the e-case to "In Process" !

I do not think they are going to refuse your application because of that reason, i think if they need more clarification, they will contact you in that regard. Now wait until June 27 to see what will be the change in your case, and god willing it will be a good news.

By the way, your case gives an indirect advice to people not to do their medicals before they receive the request for it because it might waste their time and money before the visa office finishes the verification process, or even in some cases to get refused, so the medicals will be in that case just a waste of money and time. It is better to do the medicals only when requested officially by the visa office.

Hope that you will be hearing very good news about your case by June 27.

Watch your e-case tommorow and the day after tommorow, i have strong feelings that it will change based on the information you have just provided.

Wish you the best of luck, and thank you so much for the update.


Hero Member
Nov 13, 2009
Job Offer........
Thanks professional1. I will keep a watch and concur with what you just said. It's just the sour feeling that this has left which has me worried. When the application is my personal, it is quite evident that the company didn't sponsor it and hence must not know about it. If the company comes to know, obviously they will see that I am seeking alternate means to change my job, which is the reason that I would have applied for a PR. This would put indirect adverse impact on my job. At the most, Buffalo should have verified whether I exist in the company and from when. It has no right to create these alarms. If it needs more evidence it should contact me. If it is not certain on my roles and responsibilities, why not interview me. But, creating a trouble to my job just because I independently applied for immigration, doesn't make sense. I am more worried now, of the type of people to which my HR would have passed the verification information.


Champion Member
Sep 24, 2009
garian4u, this is really a tough situation. I am almost in the same case as yours. If they had contacted my HR or my supervisor to get details on my role, I am sure to have the impact in my following appraisals and promotion. This is not correct. Let us hope we dont get into any kind of trouble. :(


Sep 30, 2009
Hello, guys,

I am so glad to find this thread. People are very nice and the dicussions are informative.

Professional 1, my case is similar to yours as I am also in category 1111. I am trying to get an idea of the timeline of my application.
I filed August 2009 and finally received the file number from Buffalo April 21, 2010 by email.
My e-case is "Received by visa office" now.

My situation is that my job in U.S. will end soon and I am going back to my home country early August. I will be waiting for the Canadian PR in my home country. I have a U.S address to receive mails so I have not notified Buffalo office anything yet.
Is there anything I need to know since I won't be in U.S waiting for the process?

If everything goes smooth, I will get the medical request in another 3 or 4 months? Based on your timeline, the time period is almost 6 months between the AOR and the medical request.

What is the next step after the medical? How long does it usually take to move to the next step?

My questions my sound silly. I would very much appreciate your suggestions. Thank you.



Hero Member
Oct 3, 2009
Job Offer........
April/May 2011
fiona said:
Hello, guys,

I am so glad to find this thread. People are very nice and the dicussions are informative.

Professional 1, my case is similar to yours as I am also in category 1111. I am trying to get an idea of the timeline of my application.
I filed August 2009 and finally received the file number from Buffalo April 21, 2010 by email.
My e-case is "Received by visa office" now.

My situation is that my job in U.S. will end soon and I am going back to my home country early August. I will be waiting for the Canadian PR in my home country. I have a U.S address to receive mails so I have not notified Buffalo office anything yet.
Is there anything I need to know since I won't be in U.S waiting for the process?

If everything goes smooth, I will get the medical request in another 3 or 4 months? Based on your timeline, the time period is almost 6 months between the AOR and the medical request.

What is the next step after the medical? How long does it usually take to move to the next step?

My questions my sound silly. I would very much appreciate your suggestions. Thank you.

First off, if the address does not change, you don't need to inform. These days medical requests are coming off faster. Expect the medical 2-3 months after "In Process". You can complete the medicals from your home country. After medicals (if everything is alright with medicals), you will await their response on "passport request". Once your passport has been stamped, you will have 1 year from the date of stamping on your passport to land in Canada. Hope this helps.



Hero Member
Jan 14, 2009
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 25th 2009 ( at Sydney)
December 29th
uwindsor, if you are an Indian citizen, New Delhi is a much better bet than Buffalo as a Visa office these days.

Buffalo is seemingly slower than other visa offices mainly because it has a very high volume of applicants - those in USA and in Canada both apply here.
You may think of it as having about double the workload of a normal consulate.
Also unlike many other consulates,most applicants are of foreign origin, which means greater time for background checks and acquiring of police ceritficates by applicants.
Although this is also true of consulates like London and Singapore - the demand for Canadian immigration is relatively speaking much higher in Buffalo I would guess.
Despite these problems I personally see Buffalo as quite efficient unlike many others in these forums.

Expectations of Buffalo have been higher than say Delhi based on its previous record in comparison to the latter.
That may have lead to a bit of frustration on our part.


Hero Member
Nov 13, 2009
Job Offer........
Pasi said:
garian4u, this is really a tough situation. I am almost in the same case as yours. If they had contacted my HR or my supervisor to get details on my role, I am sure to have the impact in my following appraisals and promotion. This is not correct. Let us hope we dont get into any kind of trouble. :(
Pasi, Exactly... It is not that I have faked any documents or lied about my role. It's just the way the organization works...If they try to call up people and get information, they will not get the complete picture and secondly will create trouble for my appraisals and promotions.


Star Member
Jan 25, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..

I agree about possible adverse impact on our careers if consulate calls out employers. In my case, I was not even in a position to get a letter from my employer with details of my management roles and so, when I sent the full-set to Buffalo, I included an explanation, in lieu of an experience letter' saying my company will not explicitly support immigration to countries that are not sponsored by the company itself and to substantiate my case, I sent them documentation of my L1A visa (at the time), pay stubs etc.

For the letter that states 1yr of management experience, I asked one of my earlier supervisors (in the same company.. I have been here forever!) to issue me a personal letter on soft-copy of company letterhead and attached his business card to it. I am now concerned if they will still call my employer to verify my current employment. Not so much from the point of view of what my employer will think. At this point, I don't care and they don't have a choice either. Not easy to replace me :) I'm more concerned that the imbecile in HR (don't ask!) that will pick up the call will not be able to provide the right information because he doesn't have access to it. My company employs 200,000 people worldwide and is a total mess at some local offices with things like this. My role is different from my designation, etc and the fact that I am a manager might not be visible to HR sometimes.. Ideally the visa office shouldn't call my employer because of my letter to them.. Not sure what they will do, though. My case went into 'in Process' on June 11. And I know my manager (who gave me the letter) didn't get any call until now.

Any comments, guys?

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........

I completely understand your situation, and hope that Buffalo guys will be smart enough to deal with it taking in their consideration any negative effect might happen to you after their verification call.

I really wish you the best of luck.

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
fiona said:
Hello, guys,

I am so glad to find this thread. People are very nice and the dicussions are informative.

Professional 1, my case is similar to yours as I am also in category 1111. I am trying to get an idea of the timeline of my application.
I filed August 2009 and finally received the file number from Buffalo April 21, 2010 by email.
My e-case is "Received by visa office" now.

My situation is that my job in U.S. will end soon and I am going back to my home country early August. I will be waiting for the Canadian PR in my home country. I have a U.S address to receive mails so I have not notified Buffalo office anything yet.
Is there anything I need to know since I won't be in U.S waiting for the process?

If everything goes smooth, I will get the medical request in another 3 or 4 months? Based on your timeline, the time period is almost 6 months between the AOR and the medical request.

What is the next step after the medical? How long does it usually take to move to the next step?

My questions my sound silly. I would very much appreciate your suggestions. Thank you.

Hi fiona,

Your timeline might go faster than mine regarding to the time needed to change to In Process and get your medical request because Buffalo started speeding up their procedures since March 2010.

Wish you the best of luck, and thanks for adding your information.

professional 1

Champion Member
Apr 25, 2009
Job Offer........
OrangeC said:

I agree about possible adverse impact on our careers if consulate calls out employers. In my case, I was not even in a position to get a letter from my employer with details of my management roles and so, when I sent the full-set to Buffalo, I included an explanation, in lieu of an experience letter' saying my company will not explicitly support immigration to countries that are not sponsored by the company itself and to substantiate my case, I sent them documentation of my L1A visa (at the time), pay stubs etc.

For the letter that states 1yr of management experience, I asked one of my earlier supervisors (in the same company.. I have been here forever!) to issue me a personal letter on soft-copy of company letterhead and attached his business card to it. I am now concerned if they will still call my employer to verify my current employment. Not so much from the point of view of what my employer will think. At this point, I don't care and they don't have a choice either. Not easy to replace me :) I'm more concerned that the imbecile in HR (don't ask!) that will pick up the call will not be able to provide the right information because he doesn't have access to it. My company employs 200,000 people worldwide and is a total mess at some local offices with things like this. My role is different from my designation, etc and the fact that I am a manager might not be visible to HR sometimes.. Ideally the visa office shouldn't call my employer because of my letter to them.. Not sure what they will do, though. My case went into 'in Process' on June 11. And I know my manager (who gave me the letter) didn't get any call until now.

Any comments, guys?
Hi OrangeC,

Just be satisfied that you have done your best in your application, and leave the rest to almighty god, he will help you as he always helps people. Do not worry about the details.

Good luck.


Hero Member
Nov 13, 2009
Job Offer........
OrangeC said:

I agree about possible adverse impact on our careers if consulate calls out employers. In my case, I was not even in a position to get a letter from my employer with details of my management roles and so, when I sent the full-set to Buffalo, I included an explanation, in lieu of an experience letter' saying my company will not explicitly support immigration to countries that are not sponsored by the company itself and to substantiate my case, I sent them documentation of my L1A visa (at the time), pay stubs etc.

For the letter that states 1yr of management experience, I asked one of my earlier supervisors (in the same company.. I have been here forever!) to issue me a personal letter on soft-copy of company letterhead and attached his business card to it. I am now concerned if they will still call my employer to verify my current employment. Not so much from the point of view of what my employer will think. At this point, I don't care and they don't have a choice either. Not easy to replace me :) I'm more concerned that the imbecile in HR (don't ask!) that will pick up the call will not be able to provide the right information because he doesn't have access to it. My company employs 200,000 people worldwide and is a total mess at some local offices with things like this. My role is different from my designation, etc and the fact that I am a manager might not be visible to HR sometimes.. Ideally the visa office shouldn't call my employer because of my letter to them.. Not sure what they will do, though. My case went into 'in Process' on June 11. And I know my manager (who gave me the letter) didn't get any call until now.

Any comments, guys?
Exactky the same situation OrangeC and I like the term that you have used "imbecile in HR". My organization is literally so strange that the HR would not know that I am working in a management role, when HR should be the first person to know that !!! It is just that only 1 particular HR will know and that HR can't be reached through a boardline of a office.


Star Member
Jan 25, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
garian4u said:
Exactky the same situation OrangeC and I like the term that you have used "imbecile in HR". My organization is literally so strange that the HR would not know that I am working in a management role, when HR should be the first person to know that !!! It is just that only 1 particular HR will know and that HR can't be reached through a boardline of a office.
Hi Garian,

Looks like we're in the same boat!

A clarification: Did you send them an experience letter from current employer, or did you send them the self-affidavit instead?