ammaartahir said:
Yes bro, same here

application received at the CIO on sep 02, 2010 and since then waiting waiting waiting....

I am hopeful now after Helen's status changed to IN PROCESS! Do pray bro
My hopes are with you, matey! It cannot be long now for those of us who have been somewhat left behind to be moved on and that means YOU!
Perhaps it was applying for CAIPS notes that spurred them into action in our case ( I will still post the results of that here when they are forthcoming, which should be very soon now) or just flagged it up as something that had got sidelined. In any case, it is a great relief but it seems I am not the only London good news by any means!
I have been in Canada with my husband at my new home for the last fortnight and I seem to have missed
a lot of good London news (and elsewhere, of course) but also some tragic news and a bit of a punch-up.
Hearty congratulations where due,
sincere commiserations where needed and to those in disagreement, a hope for everyone to come to a mature arrangement to agree to disagree. There are strongly-held feelings here and no-one is going to change anyone else's minds, that much is clear and I am glad to see we have moved on from that on the forum now. I have benefited enormously from the forum, in support, advice and indeed off-forum friendship and it would be a shame for other newer members to be denied the input of experienced and generous advisers because of a difference of viewpoint. New readers can and should make up their own minds about whose advice they choose to follow based on their feelings from reading the postings.
Thank you :-* to everyone who saw and commented on my update and especially my fellow London applicants who have been left very much in the dark without the kind VO contact that other VOs have extended to their applicants. Good luck to everyone for the next steps coming quickly and successfully.