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Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2010
Visa Office......
Buffalo >> Transferred to NYC
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
28-10-2010 CC Charged.........: 03-11-2010
Doc's Request.
submitted with application; new PCC resubmitted with MR
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
submitted with application
File Transfer...
received by Buffalo VO >> transfer to NYC
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
dibs said:
Wish I had a " like " button to press for ur comment .. Jus like the one we have in Facebook .. ;)
I will open a facebook page dedicated to immigration to Canada, post relevant comment and welcome everyone to to do as they wish :)


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
smiler 11 said:
My husbands code is 7216, Our visa office will be London. Our police cert was enclosed. Our agent/advisor put pc in with app even though it states to do at a later date when requested. When we first got our app all set to reapply it stated you were to send in pc,s then it got changed. We will prob be asked to do again at a later stage. My main thought today was as least our app has not been returned like the last one. Your hard work and advice on this forum is much appreciated,keep up the good work.Goodluck to all. ;)
Hi, yes we also included our PCC, although when we applied the CIC website said it wasn't required but the London specific checklist said that it was. So we played it safe. We're willing to get another set of PCCs later on if visa office request it.

I think they are doing it like this because it is possible the process will take longer than 12 months and they are trying to save people having to get a second set of PCCs. We got ours in mid July and by the time we mailed our application at the end of August they were already 6 weeks old. So if our case isn't finalised by mid-July 2011 we'll probably have to get them again.

Anyway I have added all your details onto the spreadsheet. Welcome to the long wait on the AOR train! :)



Cappuccino said:
Hi Coffee,

Ok here is the letter. I have just amended a few lines to bring it more up to date (since the original was written several weeks ago).



Dear Sirs,

I am writing on behalf of a sizable number of Federal Skilled Worker Category 1 applicants who share a public forum, who have applied for Permanent Residence to Canada on or after 26th June 2010.

We are wondering if you could please consider clarifying the following questions which we have compiled regarding the immigration process under this category since the new rules were introduced?

Since these questions have been frequently asked in our forum and represent the concerns of many applicants, could we please also ask you to consider adding the questions and their answers to the Frequently Asked Questions section of your website if you think there is sufficient value and merit?

We believe this will help clarify things for many post June 26th 2010 applicants and therefore help reduce phone calls and queries to CIC.

We are very grateful to you for considering us for immigration to Canada, so please take our request for information in the spirit we intend, that we just wish to make things as clear as we can from both sides.

1) CAP limits
We understand the current process is that on receipt of an application it undergoes a completeness check. If that is successful, the funds are encashed and the application then goes through an eligibility review, prior to the applicant being informed and the application being forward to the visa office.

We note you have now published some figures on the CIC web site, which is being updated every few days, regarding how many applications have been received as counting towards the cap for each NOC.

Where there is great confusion is this - do these figures published on the CIC website represent those applications which have only passed the completeness check, or which have also passed an eligibility review? Several parts of your website elude to the phrase "considered for processing" but it is unclear at which side of the eligibility review these applications are being counted.

2) Acknowledgement Of Receipt - timelines
We believe after the eligibility review at CIO is successfully complete, that the applicant should expect to be informed by way of an Acknowledgement Of Receipt (AOR) as their application is forwarded to the visa office for background checks and further processing.

During the past few weeks several members have phoned CIC to enquire on the status of their application. Prior to 19th October they have been told that it will take approximately 10 weeks before they will received an acknowledgement from CIC. Since then, during thee past few weeks, many members are now being told it will take 33 weeks. This is obviously a large jump and falls well outside the current estimate of 45 to 90 days to get an acknowledgement of receipt.

Can you tell please us why there is now such a long expected delay, since we under the impression that by removing the 120 day part of the process that everything should be quicker? Several members have been told by CIC that eligibility reviews have been completed for applications up to the end of September/start of October, yet even the applicants whose application was received at the start of July have yet to receive an AOR.

There are still currently no timelines outlined on the CIC website in this regard, and we believe it will save a lot of unnecessary phone calls of applicants to CIC if some expected timelines can be given.

3) Returned applications
Several of our forum members have reported that their application has been returned prior to encashment of funds, but that they have only just learnt about this and they have never received the application back. They now have to go through the timely and costly process of re-printing their application and re-gathering all their supporting documentation in order that they can submit another application.

We understand that standard Canada post is being used to return applications, but this is evidently leading to some applications being lost, which has led to a lot of distress for a few of our forum members. May we respectfully suggest an amendment to the process, that as part of the processing fees with the initial application a returns fee is included with the fee payment so that a courier may be used to return important documents such as the originals which are included in our applications? Such a fee would be much smaller that then cost of having to re-compile the application if original documents are lost in transit using traditional post.

There are also growing concerns amongst our forum members of identity theft/fraud if their applications with such a large quantity of personal information is lost in the post.

Any clarification you can give us regarding the above would be greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Hi Wayne:

There is one other issue that is of concern to some of us, it is up to you guys to decide if you want to include it... here is goes:

Before June 26 2010, applicants had to submit PCCs to CIC and make sure they were not older than 3 months. Under the new rules, PCCs are supposed to be sent to the VO and are not to be older than 3 months upon receipt. Since applicants have been given no time-line as to when the VO will get their application, there is no way for them to time this correctly. If applicants wait to hear from VO first, and then apply for PCCs, the result could be a great delay in processing. For example, the FBI background check in The Untied States can take anywhere from 2 to 5 months. Furthermore, many applicants have already obtained their PCCs but by the time the VO contacts them, the 3 month deadline would have passed. All these problems would not exist if the rules stated, PCCs could not be older than 3 months from the time the application is considered under the cap...

Let me know what you think, thanks.


Hero Member
Jul 24, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
1 Dec 2010
IELTS Request
taken and filed
Med's Request
29 Apr 2012
Med's Done....
15 May 2012
Wayne, thanks for redrafting and sharing the draft.

dear forum members, please refrain from quoting contents of the draft where possible to save space on our thread.

my proposal/comments to forum members on the draft:

1. give priority to AOR timing and move section up as item 1
2. on return fee - to propose to add extra line in the fee payment form whether an applicant wishes to incur extra $xx for faster return (i.e. make this optional)


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
Cam1234 said:
Hi Wayne:

There is one other issue that is of concern to some of us, it is up to you guys to decide if you want to include it... here is goes:

Before June 26 2010, applicants had to submit PCCs to CIC and make sure they are not older than 3 months. Under the new rules, PCCs are supposed to be sent to the VO and are not to be older than 3 months upon receipt. Since applicants have been given no time-line as to when the VO will get their application, there is no way for them to time this correctly. If applicants wait to hear from VO first, and then apply for PCCs, the result could be a great delay in processing. For example, the FBI background check in The Untied States can take anywhere from 2 to 5 months. Furthermore, many applicants have already obtained their PCCs but by the time the VO contacts them, the 3 month deadline would have passed. All these problems would not exist if the rules stated, PCCs could not be older than 3 months from the time the application is considered under the cap...

Let me know what you think, thanks.
Hmm I can't easily comment on what the situation is in other countries. In the UK it is not a long task to get PCCs. We sent our PCC forms off on a Monday, and we had the PCC back the following Monday - so 7 days from posting to getting PCC. Hence for us it is no problem if vo require fresh PCCs. For other countries the delay may be longer. If, as you say, in the US it takes 2 to 5 months, then this is a frustrating delay - since you cannot get the PCC in advance because you do not know how long your application will be at visa office.

I suspect the reason CIC are asking for the PCCs to wait until visa office stage is that they are only valid for 12 months, and there is a distinct possibility at some visa offices that the process will take longer than 12 months to finalise. So IMO it's no problem if you include your PCC with your initial application, as long as you accept that you may have to get another one later on in the process.

As far as I am aware the 3 month rule is from when CIC receives your application, not from when it arrives at visa office. Once at visa office the only rule of which I am aware is that the PCC can be no older than 12 months old by the date your decision is made. If it is older than 12 months then they will ask for a new PCC prior to making a decision.



Full Member
Jun 29, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
17 sep 2010
Doc's Request.
Sent with application
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
sent wIth application
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Hi Wayne,
Could u add me to the spread sheet please.thank u...
My details:-
NOC: 3152
App sent date: Sep 17 th 2010
Application reached: Sep 22nd 2010.
IELTS: Included
PCC: Not included
CC status: on 1 st oct 2010
VO office: London
AOR status: Waiting.


Cappuccino said:
As far as I am aware the 3 month rule is from when CIC receives your application, not from when it arrives at visa office. Once at visa office the only rule of which I am aware is that the PCC can be no older than 12 months old by the date your decision is made. If it is older than 12 months then they will ask for a new PCC prior to making a decision.


"Before submitting your application to the CIO, you should:
 begin to gather your police certificates, and
 research the estimated length of time required to obtain police certificates from all of the applicable jurisdictions.
Consult our website for specific and up-to-date information on how to obtain police certificates from any country.
Police certificates are valid for 12 months from the date they are issued. If your application is placed into processing, these certificates must be submitted before your application can be finalized. Failure to submit police certificates when requested to do so within a specified period of time may result in the refusal of your application.
Note: If a final decision is not made on your application before the expiry of your police certificate, the visa office may request that you provide a new one.
When you submit the police certificates to the visa office, ensure they have been issued in the last three months and no earlier. Certificates that are more than three months old on receipt will not be accepted."



Hero Member
Jul 24, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
1 Dec 2010
IELTS Request
taken and filed
Med's Request
29 Apr 2012
Med's Done....
15 May 2012
comments summary:

1. Based on the draft letter, it has been assumed that the application package is forwarded to the respective VOs following the Eligibility Review. It may or may not be the case, and perhaps clarification on this would be useful in managing our own expectations. [Temasek]
2. give priority to AOR timing and move section up as item 1 [Coffee]
3. on return fee - to propose to add extra line in the fee payment form whether an applicant wishes to incur extra $xx for faster return (i.e. make this optional) [Coffee]
4. PCC validity clarification [Cam1234]

smiler 11

Hero Member
Mar 26, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
submitted with app
File Transfer...
.....28/03/2011 approx
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
asap ;0)
The only thing is when we get asked to resubmit pc. I will have to apply to the UK and Germany again,then get German ones translated all at a cost ;0(.Adding more time on again.


Hero Member
Oct 2, 2010
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
AOR Received.
13 Dec 16
I think we can add in the letter that the 3 month requirement for PCC is fair for the current residence. If someone has stayed for a few years in another country few years back, it doesnt make sense to get a fresh one. How can you break a law of that country if you are not there anymore?


Hero Member
Mar 22, 2010
Job Offer........
Guys post this letter to CIC with reference to this forum thread web link.

If CIC likes to check before replying or even considering our letter they know what we are saying is a real matter of concern to atleast 150 members here.

It would have a good impact.

Lets us conclude all the discussion today and post this or else we would land up in a non ending discussion.

Once they reply we may go back to them asking about PCC + what is the process at VO (as this is not clear in OP6) on a later stage


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
Cam1234 said:

"Before submitting your application to the CIO, you should:
 begin to gather your police certificates, and
 research the estimated length of time required to obtain police certificates from all of the applicable jurisdictions.
Consult our website for specific and up-to-date information on how to obtain police certificates from any country.
Police certificates are valid for 12 months from the date they are issued. If your application is placed into processing, these certificates must be submitted before your application can be finalized. Failure to submit police certificates when requested to do so within a specified period of time may result in the refusal of your application.
Note: If a final decision is not made on your application before the expiry of your police certificate, the visa office may request that you provide a new one.
When you submit the police certificates to the visa office, ensure they have been issued in the last three months and no earlier. Certificates that are more than three months old on receipt will not be accepted."

The final line cannot apply to those who included PCC with their application (i.e. the visa office specific checklist still asked for the certificate) because they did not "submit the police certificates to the visa office", they submitted them to CIC.

Bottom line is this is CIC's own fault for not updating the visa-specific checklists when they updated their website, many many people sent their PCCs at this time since their visa-specific checklist still required the PCC and they understandably wanted to play it safe.

IMO worse case scenario is that visa office will ask for fresh PCCs if it wants them.



smiler 11 said:
The only thing is when we get asked to resubmit pc. I will have to apply to the UK and Germany again,then get German ones translated all at a cost ;0(.Adding more time on again.
I hear you smiler, I have US, France and UK... All of which are ready and will be older than 3 months by the time VO contacts me...



VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
Hi Wayne,
Could u add me to the spread sheet please.thank u...
My details:-
NOC: 3152
App sent date: Sep 17 th 2010
Application reached: Sep 22nd 2010.
IELTS: Included
PCC: Not included
CC status: on 1 st oct 2010
VO office: London
AOR status: Waiting.
Ok you are added.
Welcome :)



kolhapuri said:
I think we can add in the letter that the 3 month requirement for PCC is fair for the current residence. If someone has stayed for a few years in another country few years back, it doesnt make sense to get a fresh one. How can you break a law of that country if you are not there anymore?
Very good point kolhapuri, it makes no sense...