Maybe we can have a close check with your duties :
A:Assist at services of public worship and religious rites

rovide religious education, spiritual guidance and moral support to members of a religious community
C:Administer programs providing food, clothing and shelter.

rovide religious education, spiritual guidance and moral support to XXX
B:Assist worship services in order, inviting and welcoming guest speakers
C:Lead and organize bible camps
D:Organize and lead regular bible study according to the curriculum
and 4154:
A:Conduct regular religious services
B:Administer rites of faiths such as marriages and funerals

ray and promote spirituality by delivering sermons and other talks

rovide spiritual and moral guidance to members of a religious faith
E:Supervise, plan and administer programs of religious education
F:May participate in humanitarian endeavours, social services and welfare activities
G:May share in the administrative and financial operation of a religious community
H:May provide consultation services to government and other organizations.
yousr A: == 4217 B and 4154 D
yousr B: == 4217 A
yours C :== 4154 E
yours D :== 4154 E
and 4217 C can't be found in your duties. ( may be you didn't list all your duties here )
So , as a person who is not in your industry .
if I am VO , I will treat you as 4154 because your half more duties is 4154 .
only half duties is 4217 .
if you apply again, there would be still a problem, because employer letter's duties usually difficult to be changed even for next apply .
you use two times for the word "lead ".
you really need more explanation ( better from your manager ) for what's mean lead ? which will make others feel it is type A job.